Doug Brothwell
Doug Brothwell
Dean, College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan
在 usask.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Caregiver knowledge and attitudes of preschool oral health and early childhood caries (ECC)
RJ Schroth, DJ Brothwell, MEK Moffatt
International journal of circumpolar health 66 (2), 153-167, 2007
Preventive and interceptive orthodontic treatment needs of an inner-city group of 6-and 9-year-old Canadian children.
N Karaiskos, WA Wiltshire, O Odlum, D Brothwell, TH Hassard
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 71 (9), 2005
Guidelines on the use of space maintainers following premature loss of primary teeth.
DJ Brothwell
Journal (Canadian Dental Association) 63 (10), 753, 757-60, 764, 1997
Prevalence of early childhood caries in 4 Manitoba communities.
RJ Schroth, P Moore, DJ Brothwell
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 71 (8), 2005
An update of mechanical oral hygiene practices: evidence-based recommendations for disease prevention.
DJ Brothwell, DK Jutai, RJ Hawkins
Journal (Canadian Dental Association) 64 (4), 295-306, 1998
Observer agreement in the grading of oral epithelial dysplasia
B D. J, L D. W, L I, J RC K, L J. L
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 31 (4), 300-305, 2003
Dental service utilization by independently dwelling older adults in Manitoba, Canada.
DJ Brothwell, M Jay, DJ Schönwetter
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 74 (2), 2008
A systematic review of clinical efficacy of adjunctive antibiotics in the treatment of smokers with periodontitis
M Angaji, S Gelskey, G Nogueira‐Filho, D Brothwell
Journal of periodontology 81 (11), 1518-1528, 2010
Fluorosis risk in grade 2 students residing in a rural area with widely varying natural fluoride
DJ Brothwell, H Limeback
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 27 (2), 130-136, 1999
Breastfeeding is protective against dental fluorosis in a nonfluoridated rural area of Ontario, Canada
D Brothwell, H Limeback
Journal of Human Lactation 19 (4), 386-390, 2003
Should the use of smoking cessation products be promoted by dental offices? An evidence-based report
DJ Brothwell
Journal-Canadian Dental Association 67 (3), 149-152, 2001
Tobacco use cessation services provided by dentists and dental hygienists in Manitoba: part 1. Influence of practitioner demographics and psychosocial factors.
DJ Brothwell, SC Gelskey
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 74 (10), 2008
Evaluating the impact of a community developed collaborative project for the prevention of early childhood caries: the Healthy Smile Happy Child project
RJ Schroth, JM Edwards, DJ Brothwell, CA Yakiwchuk, MF Bertone, ...
Rural and Remote Health 15 (4), 155-170, 2015
Three-year coronal caries incidence in older Canadian adults
RJ Hawkins, DKG Jutai, DJ Brothwell, D Locker
Caries research 31 (6), 405-410, 1997
Periodontal health status of the Sandy Bay first nation in Manitoba, Canada
D Brothwell, E Ghiabi
International journal of circumpolar health 68 (1), 23-33, 2009
Student perspectives of an online module for teaching physical assessment skills for dentistry, dental hygiene, and pharmacy students
C Leong, C Louizos, C Currie, L Glassford, NM Davies, D Brothwell, ...
Journal of interprofessional care 29 (4), 383-385, 2015
Smoking cessation services provided by dental professionals in a rural Ontario health unit
DJ Brothwell, KA Armstrong
Journal-Canadian Dental Association 70 (2), 94-99, 2004
Clinical evaluation of sealants and preventive resin restorations in a group of environmentally homogeneous children
PC Lekic, D Deng, D Brothwell
Journal of dentistry for children 73 (1), 15-19, 2006
Suction toothbrush use for dependent adults with dysphagia: A pilot examiner blind randomized clinical trial.
CA Yakiwchuk, M Bertone, E Ghiabi, S Brown, M Liarakos, DJ Brothwell
Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene 47 (1), 2013
Quality assurance in the dental profession
DJ Brothwell
Journal (Canadian Dental Association) 64 (10), 726-731, 1998
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