Integrated STEM curriculum: improving educational outcomes for Head Start children J Aldemir, H Kermani Early Child Development and Care 187 (11), 1694-1706, 2017 | 220 | 2017 |
Preparing children for success: Integrating science, math, and technology in early childhood classroom H Kermani, J Aldemir Early Child Development and Care 185 (9), 1504-1527, 2015 | 211 | 2015 |
Caregivers' story reading to young children in family literacy programs: Pleasure or punishment? H Janes, H Kermani Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 44 (5), 458-466, 2001 | 170 | 2001 |
Maternal scaffolding in the child's zone of proximal development across tasks: Cross-cultural perspectives H Kermani, ME Brenner Journal of research in childhood education 15 (1), 30-52, 2000 | 158 | 2000 |
Adjustment across task in maternal scaffolding in low-income Latino immigrant families H Kermani, HA Janes Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 21 (2), 134-153, 1999 | 49 | 1999 |
COMPUTER MATHEMATICS GAMES AND CONDITIONS FOR ENHANCING YOUNG CHILDREN’ S LEARNING OF NUMBER SENSE H Kermani Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction 14 (2), 23-57, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Cross-Age Tutoring: Exploring the Characteristics and Process of Peer-Mediated Learning H Kermani, M Moallem NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field …, 2001 | 22 | 2001 |
Handheld, Wireless Computers: Can They Improve Learning and Instruction? M Moallem, H Kermani, S Chen Classroom Integration of Type II Uses of Technology in Education, 93-106, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
Maternal Scaffolding in the Child's Zone of Proximal Development: Cultural Perspectives. H Kermani, ME Brenner | 13 | 1996 |
Using handheld, wireless computers to improve assessment of learning and instruction M Moallem, S Chen, H Kermani Educational Technology 45 (6), 12-21, 2005 | 10 | 2005 |
Cargivers' story reading to young children in family literacy programs: Pleasure or punishment? H Janes, H Kermani Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 44 (5), 2001 | 9 | 2001 |
The integration of mobile technology into curricula for early childhood preservice teachers J Aldemir, D Barreto, H Kermani i-Manager's Journal of Educational Technology 16 (3), 21, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Seriedad y Broma (Formality and Teasing): Vertical and Horizontal Scaffolding of Literacy Events in Latino Immigrant Families. H Janes, H Kermani | 8 | 1997 |
Exploring the Impact of a STEM Integration Teacher Professional Development Program on Early Childhood Teacher's Pedagogical Beliefs. H Kermani, J Aldemir International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
STEM Integrated Curriculums in Early Childhood Education: An Exploration of Teachers' Pedagogical Beliefs and Practices. S Movahedazarhouligh, H Kermani, J Aldemir International Journal of Modern Education Studies 7 (1), 106-127, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Integrating wireless computer technology into classroom instruction M Moallem, H Kermani, SJ Chen Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Problematizing Family Literacy: Lessons Learned from a Community-Based Tutorial Program for Low-Income Latino Families. H Kermani, HA Janes | 5 | 1997 |
Using iPads in the classroom to teach young children early math skills H Kermani, J Aldemir Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
The socio-cultural origins of mother-child interaction: a cross-cultural comparison of maternal teaching strategies and sensitivity in relation to activity type and child's … H Kermani University of California, Santa Barbara, 1995 | 4 | 1995 |
Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Using Technology with Young Children: An Applied Experience J Aldemir, H Kermani Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |