Optimizing the kernel in the empirical feature space H Xiong, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad IEEE transactions on neural networks 16 (2), 460-474, 2005 | 403 | 2005 |
Azithromycin in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial RECOVERY Collaborative Group Lancet (London, England) 397 (10274), 605, 2021 | 322 | 2021 |
Two-dimensional FLD for face recognition H Xiong, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad Pattern Recognition 38 (7), 1121-1124, 2005 | 262 | 2005 |
Efficient application of MUSIC algorithm under the coexistence of far-field and near-field sources J He, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (4), 2066-2070, 2011 | 212 | 2011 |
Spatially adaptive wavelet-based method using the Cauchy prior for denoising the SAR images MIH Bhuiyan, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 17 (4), 500-507, 2007 | 166 | 2007 |
Low-complexity 8× 8 transform for image compression S Bouguezel, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy Electronics Letters 44 (21), 1249-1250, 2008 | 139 | 2008 |
RNS application for digital image processing W Wang, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad 4th IEEE international workshop on system-on-chip for real-time applications …, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
An improved voice activity detection using higher order statistics K Li, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 13 (5), 965-974, 2005 | 127 | 2005 |
A constrained anti-Hebbian learning algorithm for total least-squares estimation with applications to adaptive FIR and IIR filtering K Gao, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 1994 | 127 | 1994 |
A study of the residue-to-binary converters for the three-moduli sets W Wang, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad, Y Wang IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2003 | 118 | 2003 |
A high-speed residue-to-binary converter for three-moduli (2/sup k/, 2/sup k/-1, 2/sup k-1/-1) RNS and a scheme for its VLSI implementation W Wang, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad, Y Wang IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 2000 | 112* | 2000 |
Video denoising based on inter-frame statistical modeling of wavelet coefficients SMM Rahman, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 17 (2), 187-198, 2007 | 109 | 2007 |
Binary discrete cosine and Hartley transforms S Bouguezel, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (4), 989-1002, 2012 | 108 | 2012 |
Multiplicative watermark decoder in contourlet domain using the normal inverse Gaussian distribution H Sadreazami, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18 (2), 196-207, 2015 | 99 | 2015 |
Wavelet domain feature extraction scheme based on dominant motor unit action potential of EMG signal for neuromuscular disease classification ABMSU Doulah, SA Fattah, WP Zhu, MO Ahmad IEEE transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 8 (2), 155-164, 2014 | 97 | 2014 |
Systolic algorithms and a memory-based design approach for a unified architecture for the computation of DCT/DST/IDCT/IDST DF Chiper, MNS Swamy, MO Ahmad, T Stouraitis IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 52 (6), 1125-1137, 2005 | 95 | 2005 |
A study of multiplicative watermark detection in the contourlet domain using alpha-stable distributions H Sadreazami, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IEEE Transactions on Image processing 23 (10), 4348-4360, 2014 | 94 | 2014 |
A low-complexity parametric transform for image compression S Bouguezel, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy 2011 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2145-2148, 2011 | 94 | 2011 |
Spatially adaptive thresholding in wavelet domain for despeckling of ultrasound images MIH Bhuiyan, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IET Image processing 3 (3), 147-162, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
A new statistical detector for DWT-based additive image watermarking using the Gauss–Hermite expansion SMM Rahman, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy IEEE transactions on image processing 18 (8), 1782-1796, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |