Elisabetta Persi
Elisabetta Persi
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura, Università di Pavia
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Large wood transport modelling by a coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian approach
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla
Natural Hazards 91, 59-74, 2018
Calibration of a dynamic Eulerian-lagrangian model for the computation of wood cylinders transport in shallow water flow
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, P Brufau, P García-Navarro
Journal of Hydroinformatics 21 (1), 164-179, 2019
Dielectric properties of RF heated ex vivo porcine liver tissue at 480 kHz: measurements and simulations
EG Macchi, M Gallati, G Braschi, E Persi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (48), 485401, 2014
Hydrodynamic coefficients of yawed cylinders in open-channel flow
E Persi, G Petaccia, A Fenocchi, S Manenti, P Ghilardi, S Sibilla
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 65, 288-296, 2019
Numerical modelling of uncongested wood transport in the Rienz river
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, A Lucía, A Andreoli, F Comiti
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 20, 539-558, 2020
An experimental and theoretical analysis of floating wood diffusion coefficients
S Meninno, E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, A Armanini
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 20, 593-617, 2020
Experimental dataset and numerical simulation of floating bodies transport in open-channel flow
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, P Brufau, JI García-Palacin
Journal of Hydroinformatics 22 (5), 1161-1181, 2020
A one-way coupled hydrodynamic advection-diffusion model to simulate congested large wood transport
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, R Bentivoglio, A Armanini
Hydrology 8 (1), 21, 2021
Woody debris transport modelling by a coupled DE-SW approach
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla
Natural Hazards 91 (1), 59-74, 2016
Enhanced one-way coupled SWE-DE model for floating body transport
G Petaccia, E Persi, S Sibilla, P Brufau, P Garcìa-Navarro
Italian journal of engineering geology and environment, 161-172, 2018
A complete methodology to assess hydraulic risk in small ungauged catchments based on HEC-RAS 2D Rain-On-Grid simulations
W Ennouini, A Fenocchi, G Petaccia, E Persi, S Sibilla
Natural Hazards, 1-29, 2024
Numerical analysis of fluid flow dynamics around a yawed half-submerged cylinder inside an open channel
MI Alamayreh, A Fenocchi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, E Persi
Journal of Hydrodynamics 33, 111-119, 2021
Eulerian–Lagrangian modelling of large floating debris transport during floods
E Persi
Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018
Modeling large wood transport in semi-congested regime with multiple entry points
E Persi, S Meninno, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, A Armanini
Water 14 (3), 421, 2022
Experimental investigation on wood diffusion for a channel with a symmetrical narrowing.
E Nucci, E Persi
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Modelling the displacement of large wood in the Rienz River
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, A Lucía, A Andreoli, F Comiti
Proceedings of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress: New Challenges in Hydraulic …, 2018
Calibration of a numerical model for the transport of floating wooden debris
E Persi, P Brufau, JI García-Palacin, S Sibilla, P García-Navarro, ...
E3S web conf., 2018
Measurement and analysis of the drag coefficient of wood accumulations at an ogee crested spillway
E Persi, E Pibia, G Petaccia, P Ghilardi, S Sibilla
Journal of Hydrology 631, 130798, 2024
Modeling the effects of low flow on wood transport in the Piave River
E Persi, G Petaccia, S Sibilla, L Picco, A Tonon
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-6472, 2022
Formation of wood obstructions at bridges: processes, related problems and prediction tools
L Innocenti, M Lombardo, E Persi, F Comiti, S Francalanci, D Panici, ...
Technologies for Integrated River Basin Management (RCBM 2022), 2022
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