The development of immunity in a social insect: evidence for the group facilitation of disease resistance JFA Traniello, RB Rosengaus, K Savoie Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (10), 6838-6842, 2002 | 364 | 2002 |
Disease resistance: a benefit of sociality in the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis (Isoptera: Termopsidae) RB Rosengaus, AB Maxmen, LE Coates, JFA Traniello Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 44, 125-134, 1998 | 325 | 1998 |
Pathogen alarm behavior in a termite: a new form of communication in social insects RB Rosengaus, C Jordan, ML Lefebvre, JFA Traniello Naturwissenschaften 86, 544-548, 1999 | 213 | 1999 |
Discovery of a Novel Wolbachia Supergroup in Isoptera S Bordenstein, RB Rosengaus Current microbiology 51, 393-398, 2005 | 181 | 2005 |
Targeting an antimicrobial effector function in insect immunity as a pest control strategy MS Bulmer, I Bachelet, R Raman, RB Rosengaus, R Sasisekharan Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (31), 12652-12657, 2009 | 176 | 2009 |
Ecology, behavior and evolution of disease resistance in termites RB Rosengaus, JFA Traniello, MS Bulmer Biology of termites: a modern synthesis, 165-191, 2011 | 161 | 2011 |
Trophallaxis and prophylaxis: social immunity in the carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus C Hamilton, BT Lejeune, RB Rosengaus Biology letters 7 (1), 89-92, 2011 | 158 | 2011 |
Inhibition of fungal spore germination by Nasutitermes: evidence for a possible antiseptic role of soldier defensive secretions RB Rosengaus, ML Lefebvre, JFA Traniello Journal of Chemical Ecology 26, 21-39, 2000 | 157 | 2000 |
Inhibitory effect of termite fecal pellets on fungal spore germination RB Rosengaus, MR Guldin, JFA Traniello Journal of Chemical Ecology 24, 1697-1706, 1998 | 155 | 1998 |
Disruption of the termite gut microbiota and its prolonged consequences for fitness RB Rosengaus, CN Zecher, KF Schultheis, RM Brucker, SR Bordenstein Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (13), 4303-4312, 2011 | 154 | 2011 |
Biology of termites: a modern synthesis RB Rosengaus (No Title), 165, 2011 | 132 | 2011 |
Inbreeding and disease resistance in a social insect: effects of heterozygosity on immunocompetence in the termite Zootermopsis angusticollis DV Calleri, E McGrail Reid, RB Rosengaus, EL Vargo, JFA Traniello Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1601), 2633-2640, 2006 | 126 | 2006 |
Ecology, evolution and division of labour in social insects JFA Traniello, RB Rosengaus Animal behaviour 53 (1), 209-213, 1997 | 122 | 1997 |
Disease susceptibility and the adaptive nature of colony demography in the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis RB Rosengaus, JF Traniello Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50, 546-556, 2001 | 121 | 2001 |
Immunity in a social insect RB Rosengaus, JFA Traniello, T Chen, JJ Brown, RD Karp Naturwissenschaften 86, 588-591, 1999 | 120 | 1999 |
Nest architecture, activity pattern, worker density and the dynamics of disease transmission in social insects MR Pie, RB Rosengaus, JFA Traniello Journal of Theoretical Biology 226 (1), 45-51, 2004 | 110 | 2004 |
Disease prevention and resistance in social insects: modeling the survival consequences of immunity, hygienic behavior, and colony organization NH Fefferman, JFA Traniello, RB Rosengaus, DV Calleri Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61, 565-577, 2007 | 107 | 2007 |
Fungistatic activity of the sternal gland secretion of the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis RB Rosengaus, JFA Traniello, ML Lefebvre, AB Maxmen Insectes Sociaux 51, 259-264, 2004 | 94 | 2004 |
Temporal polyethism in incipient colonies of the primitive termiteZootermopsis angusticollis: A single multiage caste RB Rosengaus, JFA Traniello Journal of Insect Behavior 6, 237-252, 1993 | 84 | 1993 |
Nesting ecology and cuticular microbial loads in dampwood (Zootermopsis angusticollis) and drywood termites (Incisitermes minor, I. schwarzi, Cryptotermes cavifrons) RB Rosengaus, JE Moustakas, DV Calleri, JFA Traniello Journal of Insect Science 3 (1), 31, 2003 | 81 | 2003 |