Ozge Tayfur Ekmekci
Ozge Tayfur Ekmekci
在 hacettepe.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
Perceptions of transformational leadership and job satisfaction: The roles of personality traits and psychological empowerment §
C Aydogmus, SM Camgoz, A Ergeneli, OT Ekmekci
Journal of Management & Organization 24 (1), 81-107, 2018
Employee wellbeing, workaholism, work–family conflict and instrumental spousal support: A moderated mediation model
P Bayhan Karapinar, S Metin Camgoz, O Tayfur Ekmekci
Journal of Happiness Studies 21 (7), 2451-2471, 2020
The mediating effects of emotional exhaustion cynicism and learned helplessness on organizational justice-turnover intentions linkage.
O Tayfur, P Bayhan Karapinar, S Metin Camgoz
International Journal of Stress Management 20 (3), 193, 2013
Job insecurity and turnover intentions: Gender differences and the mediating role of work engagement
S Metin Camgoz, O Tayfur Ekmekci, P Bayhan Karapinar, B Kumbul Guler
Sex Roles 75, 583-598, 2016
The role of lack of reciprocity, supervisory support, workload and work–family conflict on exhaustion: Evidence from physicians
O Tayfur, M Arslan
Psychology, health & medicine 18 (5), 564-575, 2013
Laissez-faire leaders and organizations: how does laissez-faire leader erode the trust in organizations?
H Tosunoglu, O Ekmekci
Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting 3 (1), 2016
The mediating effect of organizational trust on the link between the areas of work life and emotional exhaustion.
P Bayhan Karapinar, S Metin Camgoz, O Tayfur Ekmekci
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice 16 (6), 1947-1980, 2016
The antecedents and consequences of learned helplessness in work life
O Tayfur
Information Management and Business Review 4 (7), 417-427, 2012
The buffering effect of perceived organizational support on the relationships among workload, work–family interference, and affective commitment: A study on nurses
OT Ekmekci, D Xhako, SM Camgoz
Journal of Nursing Research 29 (2), e140, 2021
Path to well-being: Moderated mediation model of perfectionism, family–work conflict, and gender
OT Ekmekci, S Metin Camgoz, P Bayhan Karapinar
Journal of Family Issues 42 (8), 1852-1879, 2021
Academics’ responses to job insecurity: the mediating effect of job satisfaction
O Tayfur Ekmekci, P Bayhan Karapinar, S Metin Camgoz, A Ozsoy Ozmen, ...
Higher Education Policy 34 (1), 218-237, 2021
Antecedents of feedback seeking behaviors: Review of the feedback seeking literature
O Tayfur
American International Journal of Contemporary Research 2 (6), 92-101, 2012
The mediating effect of perceived stress on transformational and passive-avoidant, leadership-commitment linkages
O Tayfur Ekmekci, S Metin Camgoz, S Guney, M Kemal Oktem
International Journal of Organizational Leadership 10 (4), 348-366, 2021
Örgütsel sinizmin iş yükü, algılanan adalet ve kontrol açısından incelenmesi
SM Camgöz, ÖT Ekmekci, PB Karapınar
İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi 9 (3), 40-59, 2017
Türk bankacılık sektöründe insan kaynakları uygulamaları üzerine nitel bir araştırma
ÖT Ekmekci
İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi 10 (2), 684-719, 2018
Convergence or divergence? Evaluation of human resource practices in Turkey
O Tayfur
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 5 (9), 625-638, 2013
Social support as a predictor of quality of life: Turkish validation of two-way social support scale
A Boz Semerci, O Tayfur Ekmekci
Psychology, Health & Medicine 25 (sup1), 13-24, 2020
Why do some followers remain silent in response to abusive supervision? A system justification perspective
SM Camgoz, PB Karapinar, OT Ekmekci, IM Orta, MF Ozbilgin
European Management Journal, 2023
Exploring the black box of human resource and business strategy linkage: the effect of strategic fits on organizational performance
L Boy Akdag, ÖT Ekmekci
International Journal of Manpower 44 (5), 859-879, 2023
Reviewing measurement instruments in job insecurity research: perceived job insecurity and the gender lens perspective
PB Karapinar, SM Camgöz, OT Ekmekci
Handbook of research methods on the quality of working lives, 46-61, 2019
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