Nikita Saxena
Nikita Saxena
在 iitd.ac.in 的电子邮件经过验证
Bioprocess Control: Current Progress and Future Perspectives
AS Rathore, S Mishra, S Nikita, P Priyanka
Life 11 (6), 557, 2021
Reinforcement learning based optimization of process chromatography for continuous processing of biopharmaceuticals
S Nikita, A Tiwari, D Sonawat, H Kodamana, AS Rathore
Chemical Engineering Science 230, 116171, 2021
Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in biopharmaceutical manufacturing
AS Rathore, S Nikita, G Thakur, S Mishra
Trends in Biotechnology 41 (4), 497-510, 2023
Challenges in process control for continuous processing for production of monoclonal antibody products
AS Rathore, S Nikita, G Thakur, N Deore
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 31, 100671, 2021
AI-ML applications in bioprocessing: ML as an enabler of real time quality prediction in continuous manufacturing of mAbs
S Nikita, G Thakur, NG Jesubalan, A Kulkarni, VB Yezhuvath, AS Rathore
Computers & Chemical Engineering 164, 107896, 2022
Relay Tuning of PID Controllers
M Chidambaram, N Saxena
Tamil Nadu: Springer, 2018
Digitization in bioprocessing: The role of soft sensors in monitoring and control of downstream processing for production of biotherapeutic products
AS Rathore, S Nikita, NG Jesubalan
Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X 12, 100263, 2022
Control of surge tanks for continuous manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies
G Thakur, S Nikita, A Tiwari, AS Rathore
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 118 (5), 1913-1931, 2021
Role of data science in managing COVID-19 pandemic
N Saxena, P Gupta, R Raman, AS Rathore
Indian Chemical Engineer 62 (4), 385-395, 2020
Control of a wastewater treatment plant using relay auto-tuning
S Nikita, M Lee
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 36, 505-512, 2019
Intelligent Human–Machine Interface: An Agile Operation and Decision Support for an ANAMMOX SBR System at a Pilot-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant
A Nawaz, AS Arora, W Ali, N Saxena, MS Khan, CM Yun, M Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (9), 6224-6232, 2022
Comprehensive review of control and operational strategies for partial nitration/ANAMMOX system
N Saxena, A Nawaz, M Lee
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (25), 10635-10651, 2019
Advances in bioreactor control for production of biotherapeutic products
S Nikita, S Mishra, K Gupta, V Runkana, J Gomes, AS Rathore
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 120 (5), 1189-1214, 2023
Enablers of continuous processing of biotherapeutic products
AS Rathore, AL Zydney, A Anupa, S Nikita, N Gangwar
Trends in Biotechnology 40 (7), 804-815, 2022
Tuning of PID controllers for time delay unstable systems with two unstable poles
S Nikita, M Chidambaram
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (1), 801-806, 2016
Relay Auto Tuning of Decentralized PID Controllers for Unstable TITO Systems
S Nikita, M Chidambaram
Indian Chemical Engineer 60 (1), 1-15, 2018
Improved Continuous Cycling Method of Tuning PID Controllers for Unstable Systems
S Nikita, M Chidambaram
Indian Chemical Engineer 60 (3), 213-231, 2018
Improved Relay Auto-Tuning of PID Controllers for Unstable SOPTD Systems
S Nikita, M Chidambaram
Chemical Engineering Communications 203 (6), 769-782, 2016
Control of Continuous Manufacturing Processes for Production of Monoclonal Antibodies
AS Rathore, G Thakur, S Nikita, S Banerjee
Process Control, Intensification, and Digitalisation in Continuous …, 2022
Auto-Tuning of Identified Highly Sensitive Parameters for ANAMMOX System: Advanced Modeling Approach
A Nawaz, N Saxena, AS Arora, CM Yun, M Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (11), 7238-7245, 2021
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