Axelle Gardin
Axelle Gardin
Postodoctoral researcher at PALEVOPRIM
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Carnivora from the early Oligocene of the ‘Phosphorites du Quercy’in southwestern France
L de Bonis, A Gardin, C Blondel
Geodiversitas 41 (15), 601-621, 2019
Climbing Adaptations of an Enigmatic Early Arctoid Carnivoran: the Functional Anatomy of the Forelimb of Amphicynodon leptorhynchus From the Lower Oligocene …
A Gardin, MJ Salesa, G Siliceo, M Antón, JF Pastor, L de Bonis
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 28 (3), 785-811, 2021
Seasonality and growth in tropical freshwater ectotherm vertebrates: Results from 1‐year experimentation in the African gray bichir, giraffe catfish, and the West African mud …
A Gardin, O Otero, E Réveillac, A Lafitte, X Valentin, F Lapalus, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (3), e9936, 2023
Description of the first cranium and endocranial structures of Stenoplesictis minor (Mammalia, Carnivora), an early aeluroid from the Oligocene of the Quercy …
L de Bonis, C Grohé, J Surault, A Gardin
Historical Biology 34 (8), 1672-1684, 2022
The hindlimb of Amphicynodon leptorhynchus from the lower Oligocene of the Quercy Phosphorites (France): Highlight of new climbing adaptations of this early …
A Gardin, MJ Salesa, G Siliceo, M Antón, JF Pastor, L de Bonis
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 29 (4), 815-843, 2022
3D models related to the publication: Description of the first cranium and endocranial structures of Stenoplesictis minor (Mammalia, Carnivora), an early aeluroid from the …
C Grohé, A Gardin, J Surault, L Bonis
MorphoMuseuM 8, e166, 2022
Stable isotope composition of crocodilian teeth provides new information on climatic change in the East-African Rift along the Plio-Pleistocene period (Shungura Formation …
A Gardin, E Pucéat, G Garcia, JR Boisserie, O Otero
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-5203, 2021
Stable oxygen isotopes of crocodilian tooth enamel allow tracking Plio-Pleistocene evolution of freshwater environments and climate in the Shungura Formation (Turkana …
A Gardin, E Pucéat, G Garcia, JR Boisserie, A Euriat, MM Joachimski, ...
Biogeosciences Discussions 2023, 1-25, 2023
Stable isotopes of crocodilian teeth reveal the diversity of freshwater environments and climate over the past million years in the Turkana Depression (eastern Africa).
A Gardin, E Pucéat, G Garcia, JR Boisserie, M Schuster, A Nutz, O Otero
Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, 2023
From paleoecology of crocodilians to paleoenvironments in the Shungura Formation (Plio-Pleistocene, Ethiopia), an interdisciplinary ballad using the oxygen stable isotopes
A Gardin, G Garcia, JR Boisserie, M Schuster, O Otero
Colloque du GDR Grand Rift Africain, 2022
Portrait of Amphicynodon: a 30-million-year-old small carnivoran from Quercy: crossing aproaches of functional anatomy and paleo-artistic reconstruction
A Gardin, M Antón
5e Colloque international Georges Cuvier, 2022
A la croisée entre environnement et écologie des crocodiliens fossiles: l’utilisation des isotopes stable de l'oxygène pour retracer l’évolution des milieux aquatiques de la …
A Gardin, E Pucéat, G Garcia, JR Boisserie, O Otero
Réunion de l’Association Paléontologique Française 2022, 2022
Le processus de reconstitution paléoartistique d’Amphicynodon leptorhynchus, petit Carnivore de 30 millions d’années
A Gardin, M Antón
Réunion de l’Association Paléontologique Française 2022, 2022
Etude du crâne et des structures endocrâniennes de Stenoplesictis minor, petit carnivore de l'Oligocène inférieur des Phosphorites du Quercy
C Grohé, L de Bonis, A Gardin, J Surault
Congrès de l'Association Paléontologique Française (l'AFP 2022), 2022
Impact de la saisonnalité climatique sur la croissance osseuse chez la perche du Nil (Lates niloticus) et son intérêt paléontologique
A Gardin, J Griffet, M Adoum, E Dufour, G Garcia, O Otero
8e Rencontres de l’Ichthyologie en France, 2022
Skeletal growth rhythmed by seasonal environmental fluctuations in Nile perch (Lates niloticus): implication for paleoclimatic reconstructions
A Gardin, J Griffet, M Adoum, E Dufour, G Garcia, O Otero
2nd Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists, 2022
Biogeochemistry at the crossroads between environment and ecology: use of oxygen isotopes to track environment preference variation in fossil crocodilians
A Gardin, E Pucéat, G Garcia, JR Boisserie, O Otero
2nd Crossing the Palaeontological-Ecological Gap, 2021
Adaptations au grimper et paléoécologie d’Amphicynodon leptorhynchus, petit carnivore énigmatique de l’Oligocène inférieur des Phosphorites du Quercy
A Gardin, MJ Salesa, G Siliceo, M Antón, JF Pastor, L de Bonis
Réunion de l’Association Paléontologique Française 2021, 2021
Meet Amphicynodon leptorhynchus, a 30 Myr old emblematic small carnivoran from the Quercy Phosphorites: locomotor adaptations of the forelimb and paleoecology
A Gardin, M Salesa, G Siliceo, M Antón, JF Pastor, L de Bonis
18th Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, 2021
Apport des marques de croissance squelettique d’ectothermes aquatiques dans la reconstitution des climats continentaux passés
A Gardin, O Otero, G Garcia
Journées Climat et Impacts, 2020
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