Wilson I. L. Lim
Wilson I. L. Lim
其他姓名I.L. Lim, W.I.L. Lim
Former scientist, CSIRO
在 hope-church.com.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Stress intensity factors for semi-circular specimens under three-point bending
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 44 (3), 363-382, 1993
Fracture testing of a soft rock with semi-circular specimens under three-point bending. Part 1—mode I
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi, JN Boland
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics …, 1994
Fracture testing of a soft rock with semi-circular specimens under three-point bending. Part 2—mixed-mode
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi, JN Boland
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics …, 1994
Comparison between various displacement-based stress intensity factor computation techniques
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi
International Journal of Fracture 58, 193-210, 1992
Assessment of mixed-mode fracture toughness testing methods for rock
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics …, 1994
Modelling of the HPGR crusher
S Morrell, W Lim, F Shi, L Tondo
Comminution Practices, 117-126, 1997
Mineral liberation by particle bed breakage
RG Fandrich, RA Bearman, J Boland, W Lim
Minerals Engineering 10 (2), 175-187, 1997
Phenomenological modelling of the high pressure grinding rolls
LG Austin, KR Weller, IL Lim
XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress, Sydney, 87-96, 1993
The effect of rolls speed and rolls surface pattern on high pressure grinding rolls performance
WIL Lim, JJ Campbell, LA Tondo
Minerals engineering 10 (4), 401-419, 1997
On stress intensity factor computation from the quarter‐point element displacements
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi
Communications in applied numerical methods 8 (5), 291-300, 1992
Product size distribution and energy expenditure in grinding minerals and ores in high pressure rolls
WIL Lim, W Voigt, KR Weller
International Journal of Mineral Processing 44, 539-559, 1996
A finite element code for fracture propagation analysis within elasto-plastic continuum
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi
Engineering fracture mechanics 53 (2), 193-211, 1996
Application of singular quadratic distorted isoparametric elements in linear fracture mechanics
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 36 (14), 2473-2499, 1993
Some benefits of using studded surfaces in high pressure grinding rolls
WIL Lim, KR Weller
Minerals engineering 12 (2), 187-203, 1999
DIANA modelling of a rolling disc cutter and rock indentation
AR Korinets, L Chen, H Alehossein, W Lim, G Baker
Rock mechanics tools and techniques, 647-654, 1996
An improved numerical inverse isoparametric mapping technique for 2D mesh rezoning
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi, V Murti
Engineering fracture mechanics 41 (3), 417-435, 1992
A comparison of algorithms for profile reduction of sparse matrices
IL Lim, IW Johnston, SK Choi
Computers & Structures 57 (2), 297-302, 1995
Modelling of throughput in the high pressure grinding rolls
WIL Lim, KR Weller
Proceedings of the XX International Mineral Processing Congress, Aachen …, 1997
Extrusion effects in the high pressure grinding rolls
WIL Lim, JJ Campbell, LA Tondo
Comminution Practices. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration …, 1997
Modelling the high pressure grinding rolls
S Morrell, WIL Lim, LA Tondo, D David
Mining technology conference, 169-176, 1996
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