Eva Zita Patai
Eva Zita Patai
Ruhr Bochum, UCL
在 ucl.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
The cognitive map in humans: spatial navigation and beyond
RA Epstein, EZ Patai, JB Julian, HJ Spiers
Nature neuroscience 20 (11), 1504-1513, 2017
Long-term memory prepares neural activity for perception
MG Stokes, K Atherton, EZ Patai, AC Nobre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (6), E360-E367, 2012
Hippocampal and retrosplenial goal distance coding after long-term consolidation of a real-world environment
EZ Patai, AH Javadi, JD Ozubko, A O’Callaghan, S Ji, J Robin, C Grady, ...
Cerebral Cortex 29 (6), 2748-2758, 2019
The versatile wayfinder: prefrontal contributions to spatial navigation
EZ Patai, HJ Spiers
Trends in cognitive sciences 25 (6), 520-533, 2021
Long-term memories bias sensitivity and target selection in complex scenes
EZ Patai, S Doallo, AC Nobre
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 24 (12), 2281-2291, 2012
Cognitive mapping style relates to posterior–anterior hippocampal volume ratio
IK Brunec, J Robin, EZ Patai, JD Ozubko, AH Javadi, MD Barense, ...
Hippocampus 29 (8), 748-754, 2019
Cognitive training in the elderly: bottlenecks and new avenues
N Zokaei, C MacKellar, G Čepukaitytė, EZ Patai, AC Nobre
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 29 (9), 1473-1482, 2017
Extent of hippocampal atrophy predicts degree of deficit in recall
EZ Patai, DG Gadian, JM Cooper, AM Dzieciol, M Mishkin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (41), 12830-12833, 2015
Prefrontal dynamics associated with efficient detours and shortcuts: A combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencenphalography study
AH Javadi, EZ Patai, E Marin-Garcia, A Margolis, HRM Tan, D Kumaran, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (8), 1227-1247, 2019
Preserved memory-based orienting of attention with impaired explicit memory in healthy ageing
G Salvato, EZ Patai, AC Nobre
cortex 74, 67-78, 2016
Reward associations magnify memory-based biases on perception
S Doallo, EZ Patai, AC Nobre
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 25 (2), 245-257, 2013
The functional consequences of social distraction: Attention and memory for complex scenes
BR Doherty, EZ Patai, M Duta, AC Nobre, G Scerif
Cognition 158, 215-223, 2017
Backtracking during navigation is correlated with enhanced anterior cingulate activity and suppression of alpha oscillations and the ‘default-mode’network
AH Javadi, EZ Patai, E Marin-Garcia, A Margois, HRM Tan, D Kumaran, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1908), 20191016, 2019
Apolipoprotein ɛ4 breaks the association between declarative long-term memory and memory-based orienting of spatial attention in middle-aged individuals
G Salvato, EZ Patai, T McCloud, AC Nobre
cortex 82, 206-216, 2016
Is attention based on spatial contextual memory preferentially guided by low spatial frequency signals?
EZ Patai, A Buckley, AC Nobre
PloS one 8 (6), e65601, 2013
Human navigation: occipital place area detects potential paths in a scene
EZ Patai, HJ Spiers
Current Biology 27 (12), R599-R600, 2017
Emotional distraction in the context of memory-based orienting of attention.
SM Raeder, JK Bone, EZ Patai, EA Holmes, AC Nobre, SE Murphy
Emotion 19 (8), 1366, 2019
Distinct response components indicate that binding is the primary cause of response repetition effects.
C Hydock, EZ Patai, MH Sohn
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 (6 …, 2013
Conflict Detection in a Sequential Decision Task Is Associated with Increased Cortico-Subthalamic Coherence and Prolonged Subthalamic Oscillatory Response in the β Band
EZ Patai, T Foltynie, P Limousin, H Akram, L Zrinzo, R Bogacz, V Litvak
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (23), 4681-4692, 2022
The functional consequences of social attention for memory-guided attention orienting and anticipatory neural dynamics
BR Doherty, F van Ede, A Fraser, EZ Patai, AC Nobre, G Scerif
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (5), 686-698, 2019
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