Hafiz Majdi Ab Rashid
Hafiz Majdi Ab Rashid
在 iium.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Motivations of paying zakat on income: Evidence from Malaysia
NBA Bakar, HMA Rashid
International Journal of Economics and Finance 2 (3), 76-84, 2010
Impact of corporate governance on social and environmental information disclosure of Malaysian listed banks: Panel data analysis
SNN Htay, HMA Rashid, MA Adnan, AKM Meera
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting 4 (1), 1-24, 2012
Factors influencing auditor independence: Malaysian loan officers' perceptions
NBA Bakar, ARA Rahman, HMA Rashid
Managerial Auditing Journal 20 (8), 804-822, 2005
The effect of award on CSR disclosures in annual reports of Malaysian PLCs
A Anas, HM Abdul Rashid, HA Annuar
Social Responsibility Journal 11 (4), 831-852, 2015
Corporate governance and earnings management in malaysian government linked companies: the impact of GLCs' transformation policy
MHS Mohamad, HMA Rashid, FAM Shawtari
Asian review of Accounting 20 (3), 241-258, 2012
Intellectual capital efficiency and corporate book value: evidence from Nigerian economy
M Anifowose, HM Abdul Rashid, HA Annuar, H Ibrahim
Journal of Intellectual Capital 19 (3), 644-668, 2018
A panel data analysis on the relationship between corporate governance and bank efficiency
MA Adnan, SNN Htay, HMA Rashid, AKM Meera
Journal of Accounting 1 (1), 1-15, 2011
Intellectual capital disclosure and corporate market value: does board diversity matter?
M Anifowose, HM Abdul Rashid, HA Annuar
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 7 (3), 369-398, 2017
The determinants of voluntary disclosures in Malaysia: The case of internet financial reporting
MH Hanifa, HMA Rashid
UNITAR e-Journal 2 (1), 22-42, 2005
Corporate governance and risk management information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks: Panel data analysis
SNN Htay, HM Rashid, MA Adnan, AKM Meera
International Review of Business Research Papers 7 (4), 159-176, 2011
Critical review of literature on corporate governance and the cost of capital: The value creation perspective
Z Ramly, HMA Rashid
African Journal of Business Management 4 (11), 2198-2204, 2010
Board characteristics and real performance in Malaysian state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
FA Shawtari, M Har Sani Mohamad, HM Abdul Rashid, AM Ayedh
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 66 (8 …, 2017
An investigation of the control role and effectiveness of independent non-executive directors in Malaysian public listed companies
HA Annuar, HM Abdul Rashid
Managerial Auditing Journal 30 (6/7), 582-609, 2015
The impact of corporate governance on the voluntary accounting information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks
SNN Htay, MZ Aung, HMA Rashid, MA Adnan
Global Review of Accounting and Finance 3 (2), 128-142, 2012
Awareness and knowledge of insurance and takaful In India a survey on Indian insurance policy holders
SA Salman, HMA Rashid, R Hassan
Man In India 97 (11), 127-140, 2017
The impact of internal forces on acceptance of takaful by insurance policy-holders in India
SA Salman, HM Ab. Rashid, SNN Htay
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 9 (5), 673-686, 2018
The moderating effect of board homogeneity on the relationship between intellectual capital disclosure and corporate market value of listed firms in Nigeria
M Anifowose, HMA Rashid, HA Annuar
International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting 25 (1), 71-103, 2017
Takaful (Islamic insurance): when we started and where We are now
SA Salman, HMA Rashid, SNN Htay
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences 3 (5/2 …, 2015
Overlapping memberships on the audit and other board committees: Impacts on financial reporting quality
A Furqaan, HA Annuar, H Hamdan, HMA Rashid
Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives 12 (1), 49-77, 2019
Financial reporting of intangible assets in Islamic finance
SM Alhabshi, HMA Rashid, S Khadijah Syed Agil, MU Ahmed
ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance 9 (2), 190-195, 2017
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