Zeynep Ecem Piyale
Zeynep Ecem Piyale
在 bilgi.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
An investigation of moral foundations theory in Turkey using different measures
B Yalçındağ, T Özkan, S Cesur, O Yilmaz, B Tepe, ZE Piyale, AF Biten, ...
Current Psychology 38, 440-457, 2019
Think beyond contact: Reformulating imagined intergroup contact theory by adding friendship potential
SC Bagci, ZE Piyale, NI Bircek, E Ebcim
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 21 (7), 1034-1052, 2018
Being tolerated and being discriminated against: Links to psychological well‐being through threatened social identity needs
SC Bagci, M Verkuyten, Y Koc, A Turnuklu, ZE Piyale, E Bekmezci
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (7), 1463-1477, 2020
Imagined contact in high conflict settings: The role of ethnic group identification and the perspective of minority group members
SC Bagci, ZE Piyale, E Ebcim
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 48 (1), 3-14, 2018
When imagining intergroup contact mobilizes collective action: The perspective of disadvantaged and advantaged groups
SC Bagci, S Stathi, ZE Piyale
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 69, 32-43, 2019
Imagined contact facilitates acculturation, Sometimes: Contradicting evidence from two sociocultural contexts.
SC Bagci, S Stathi, ZE Piyale
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 25 (4), 539, 2019
Collective victimhood beliefs among majority and minority groups: Links to ingroup and outgroup attitudes and attribution of responsibility for conflict
SC Bagci, ZE Piyale, S Karaköse, E Şen
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 66, 95-107, 2018
People respond with different moral emotions to violations in different relational models: A cross-cultural comparison.
D Sunar, S Cesur, ZE Piyale, B Tepe, AF Biten, CT Hill, Y Koç
Emotion 21 (4), 693, 2021
Moral decision-making among young Muslim adults on harmless taboo violations: The effects of gender, religiosity, and political affiliation
B Tepe, ZE Piyale, S Sirin, LR Sirin
Personality and Individual Differences 101, 243-248, 2016
Beyond shifting intergroup attitudes: Intergroup contact's association with socio‐cognitive skills and group‐based ideologies
SC Bagci, ZE Piyale, E Sen, O Yildirim
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology 3 (3), 176-188, 2019
Investigating the role of E‐contact and self‐disclosure on improving Turkish‐Kurdish interethnic relations
SC Bagci, I Guvensoy, RN Turner, FA White, ZE Piyale
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 51 (6), 577-593, 2021
" Bana göre" Ahlak: Sıradan İnsanın Ahlakı Kavramsallaştırması
S Cesur, B Tepe, ZE Piyale, D Sunar, AF Biten
Turk Psikoloji Yazilari 23 (45), 115-144, 2020
I (dis) like the way you (dis) like them: The role of extended contact on social distance and attitudes towards the ingroup
SC Bagci, S Stathi, L Vezzali, A Turnuklu, ZE Piyale
British Journal of Social Psychology 60 (1), 95-120, 2021
Rekabetçi Mağduriyet Algısını Yordamada Gruplar Arası Arkadaşlıklar, Dış Grubun Bakış Açısını Alma ve İç Grupla Özdeşleşmenin Rolü.
SÇ Bağcı, ZE Piyale, S Karaköse, E Şen
Turkish Journal of Psychology/Turk Psikoloji Dergisi 37 (88), 2021
Beyond shifting intergroup attitudes: Intergroup contact's association with socio-cognitive skills and group-based ideologies
SÇ Bağcı Hemşinlioğlu, ZE Piyale, E Şen, O Yıldırım
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 2019
The Role of Cross-Group Friendships, Outgroup Perspective-Taking, and Ingroup Identification on Competitive Victimhood Beliefs
SÇ Baĝi, ZE Piyale, E Şen, S Karaköse
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 37 (88), 72-75, 2021
Investigating the role of E-contact and self-disclosure on improving Turkish-Kurdish interethnic relations
SÇ Bağcı Hemşinlioğlu, İ Güvensoy, R Turner, FA White, ZE Piyale
Wiley, 2021
Rekabetçi mağduriyet algısını yordamada gruplararası temas, dışgrubun bakışaçısını alma, ve içgrupla özdeşimin rolü
Ç Bağcı, Z Piyale, S Karaköse, E Şen
Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 2020
I (dis) like the way you (dis) like them: The role of extended contact on social distance and attitudes towards the ingroup
SÇ Bağcı Hemşinlioğlu, S Stathi, L Vezzali, A Türnüklü, ZE Piyale
Wiley, 2020
Being tolerated and being discriminated against: Links to psychological well-being through threatened social identity needs
SÇ Bağcı Hemşinlioğlu, M Verkuyten, Y Koç, A Türnüklü, ZE Piyale, ...
Wiley, 2020
文章 1–20