Dalton Kei Sasaki
Dalton Kei Sasaki
在 usp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Contamination by chlorinated pesticides, PCBs and PBDEs in Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) in western South Atlantic
J Leonel, S Taniguchi, DK Sasaki, MJ Cascaes, PS Dias, S Botta, ...
Chemosphere 86 (7), 741-746, 2012
Sedimentary constraints on the development of a narrow deep strait (São Sebastião Channel, SE Brazil)
J Alcántara-Carrió, DK Sasaki, MM Mahiques, R Taborda, LAP de Souza
Geo-Marine Letters 37, 475-488, 2017
Does the transport of larvae throughout the south Atlantic support the genetic and morphometric diversity of the Sally Lightfoot Crabs Grapsus grapsus (Linnaeus, 1758) and …
AS Freire, MM Teschima, MC Brandao, T Iwasa-Arai, FC Sobral, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 223, 103614, 2021
Hydrographic structure of the continental shelf in Santos Basin and its causes: The SANAGU and SANSED campaigns (2019)
M Dottori, DK Sasaki, DA Silva, SR Del–Giovannino, AP Pinto, M Gnamah, ...
Ocean and Coastal Research 71, 2023
Intraseasonal variability of ocean surface wind waves in the western South Atlantic: the role of cyclones and the Pacific South American pattern
DK Sasaki, CB Gramcianinov, B Castro, M Dottori
Weather and Climate Dynamics 2 (4), 1149-1166, 2021
Underwater surveys reveal deep-sea corals in newly explored regions of the southwest Atlantic
NF Carvalho, LG Waters, RCM Arantes, DM Couto, GH Cavalcanti, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 282, 2023
Estimating river discharge from rainfall satellite data through simple statistical models
P Birocchi, DA Silva, DK Sasaki, M Dottori
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-21, 2023
Intraseasonal variability of wind waves in the western South Atlantic: the role of cyclones and the Pacific South-American pattern
DK Sasaki, CB Gramcianinov, B Castro, M Dottori
Weather and Climate Dynamics Discussions 2021, 1-26, 2021
Hydrographic structure of the continental shelf in Santos Basin and its causes: The SANAGU and SANSED campaigns
M Dottori, DK Sasaki, DA Silva, SR Del–Giovannino, AP Pinto, M Gnamah, ...
Ocean and Coastal Research 71, 1-15, 2023
An inventory of salty and warm subsurface intrusions in the South Brazil Bight
DA Silva, DK Sasaki, M Dottori, ICA da Silveira, WC Belo, RP Martins
Continental Shelf Research 259, 104984, 2023
Seascape genetics in a polychaete worm: Disentangling the roles of a biogeographic barrier and environmental factors
CB Mendes, T Cortez, CSG Santos, T Sobral‐Souza, AD Santos, ...
Journal of Biogeography 49 (12), 2296-2308, 2022
Wind stress forcing in a narrow tropical western boundary continental shelf: Northeastern Brazil
FTF Parente, M Dottori, RP Martins, BM de Castro Filho, DK Sasaki
Regional Studies in Marine Science 48, 102028, 2021
Variability and modeling of surface high frequency waves in the southwestern South Atlantic
DK Sasaki
Universidade de São Paulo, 2020
Wave climate projections at the Southwest Atlantic Basin and South Brazil Bight under scenarios of high greenhouse gas emission
DKEI Sasaki, BM Castro
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018
Mudanças dos modos de variabilidade do Atlântico Tropical no Século XX
DK Sasaki
Universidade de São Paulo, 2014
A temperatura de superfície do mar na plataforma continental brasileira obtida a partir do marcador orgânico molecular alquenonas
DK Sasaki, I Wainer
Oceanografia e Políticas Públicas, 2011
Bifenilos policlorados (pcbs) e dicloro difenil tricloetanos (ddts) em tecido adipososubcutâneo de golfinhos-pintados-do-atlântico (stenella frontalis)
DK Sasaki, MJ Cascaes, S Taniguchi, RC Montone, MCO Santos
The role of Antarctic sea ice on the variability of the Antarctic Intermediate Water
N Signorelli, I Wainer, J Marson, A Pereira, L Prado, D Sasaki, M Tonelli
文章 1–18