John Henry Hall
John Henry Hall
Professor of Financial Management, University of Pretoria
在 up.ac.za 的电子邮件经过验证
Causal nexus between economic growth, banking sector development, stock market development, and other macroeconomic variables: The case of ASEAN countries
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, JH Hall, S Bahmani
Review of Financial Economics 23 (4), 155-173, 2014
Innovation, financial development and economic growth in Eurozone countries
JH Pradhan, R. P., Arvin, M. B., Nair, M., and Hall
Applied Economics Letters 23 (16), 1141-1144, 2016
Sustainable economic development in India: The dynamics between financial inclusion, ICT development, and economic growth
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, MS Nair, JH Hall, SE Bennett
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 169, 120758, 2021
Finance and growth: Evidence from the ARF countries
NR Pradhan, R.P., Arvin, M.B., Bahmani, S., Hall, J.H. and Norman
The Quaterly Review of Economics and Finance 66, 136-148, 2017
Insurance Penetration and Economic Growth Nexus: Cross-Country Evidence from ASEAN
JH Pradhan, R. P., Arvin, M. B., Norman, N. R., Nair, M., and Hall
Research in International Business and Finance 36, 447-458, 2016
Endogenous dynamics between innovation, financial markets, venture capital and economic growth: Evidence from Europe
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, M Nair, SE Bennett, S Bahmani, JH Hall
Journal of Multinational Financial Management 45, 15-34, 2018
Economic growth, development of telecommunications infrastructure, and financial development in Asia, 1991–2012
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, JH Hall
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 59, 25-38, 2016
Capital budgeting practices used by selected listed South African firms.
SM Hall, J.H. and Millard
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 13(1):85-97, 2010
Trade openness, foreign direct investment, and Finance-growth Nexus in the Eurozone Countries
M Pradhan, R. P., Arvin, M. B., Hall, J. H. and Nair
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 26 (3), 336-360, 2017
Is there a link between economic growth and insurance and banking sector activities in the G-20 countries?
A Pradhan, R.P., Arvin, M.B., Nair, M., Hall, J.H. and Gupta
Review of Financial Economics 33, 12-28, 2017
The relationship between EVA, MVA and leverage
JH De Wet, JH Hall
Meditari: Research Journal of the School of Accounting Sciences 12 (1), 39-59, 2004
ASEAN economic growth, trade openness and banking-sector depth: The nexus
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, JH Hall, NR Norman
EconomiA 18 (3), 359-379, 2017
The Nexus between Economic Growth, Stock Market Depth, Trade Openness, and Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of ASEAN Countries
JH Pradhan, R.P., Arvin, M.B. and Hall
The Singapore Economic Review 63 (1), 1-33, 2018
The dynamics of banking sector and stock market maturity and the performance of Asian economies: Time series evidence
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, NR Norman, JH Hall
Emerald, 2014
Heuristic-driven bias in property investment decision-making in South Africa
GA Lowies, JH Hall, CE Cloete
Journal of Property Investment & Finance 34 (1), 51-67, 2016
The information revolution, innovation diffusion and economic growth: an examination of causal links in European countries
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, M Nair, SE Bennett, JH Hall
Quality & Quantity 53, 1529-1563, 2019
The relationship between the market value of a company and internal performance measurements
JH Hall, LM Brummer
Available at SSRN 141189, 1999
Mobile telephony, economic growth, financial Development, foreign direct investment, and imports of ICT goods: the case of the G-20 countries
SE Pradhan, R.P., Arvin, M.B., Hall, J.H. and Bennet
Economia e Politica Industriale, 45 (2), 279-310, 2017
The dynamics between energy consumption patterns, financial sector development and economic growth in Financial Action Task Force (FATF) countries
RP Pradhan, MB Arvin, M Nair, SE Bennett, JH Hall
Energy 159, 42-53, 2018
The evolution of the application of capital budgeting techniques in enterprises
S Siziba, JH Hall
Global finance journal 47, 100504, 2021
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