Hansaem Lee
Hansaem Lee
在 korea.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Comparison of antibiotic resistance removal efficiencies using ozone disinfection under different pH and suspended solids and humic substance concentrations
G Pak, DE Salcedo, H Lee, J Oh, SK Maeng, KG Song, SW Hong, HC Kim, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (14), 7590-7600, 2016
Biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in UCT-type MBR process
H Lee, J Han, Z Yun
Water Science and Technology 59 (11), 2093-2099, 2009
The difference of morphological characteristics and population structure in PAO and DPAOgranular sludges
G Yun, H Lee, Y Hong, S Kim, GT Daigger, Z Yun
Journal of Environmental Sciences 76, 388-402, 2019
Comparison of biochemical characteristics between PAO and DPAO sludges
H Lee, Z Yun
Journal of Environmental Sciences 26 (6), 1340-1347, 2014
Nitrogen removal characteristics analyzed with gas and microbial community in thermophilic aerobic digestion for piggery waste treatment
JW Lee, HW Lee, SW Kim, SY Lee, YK Park, JH Han, SI Choi, YS Yi, ...
Water Science and Technology 49 (5-6), 349-357, 2004
The microbial community analysis of a 5-stage BNR process with step feed system
HW Lee, SY Lee, JO Lee, HG Kim, JB Park, E Choi, YK Park
Water Science and Technology 48 (8), 135-141, 2003
The variation of volatile fatty acid compositions in sewer length, and its effect on the process design of biological nutrient removal
Z Yun, GH Yun, HS Lee, TU Yoo
Water science and technology 67 (12), 2753-2760, 2013
Effects of solids retention time on the fate of tetracycline resistance in SBRs for the treatment of carcass leachate
RB De Sotto, CAD Medriano, DE Salcedo, H Lee, Y Cho, S Kim
Journal of Environmental Management 181, 298-303, 2016
Biochemical and microbial characteristics of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organism and its application in 4 stage anoxic membrane bioreactor
H Lee
PhD dissertaion, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 2013
The 4-stage anoxic membrane bioreactor for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal, and its strengths and weaknesses
H Lee, GH Yun, S Kim, Z Yun
Desalination and Water Treatment 54 (13), 3616-3624, 2015
Increasing role of microorganism with ubiquinone-9 in denitrifying pao sludge
H Lee, Z Yun
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 17 (1), 19-26, 2018
Anoxic gas recirculation system for fouling control in anoxic membrane reactor
H Lee, D Lee, S Hong, GH Yun, S Kim, JK Hwang, W Lee, Z Yun
Journal of Environmental Sciences 26 (6), 1289-1293, 2014
대전시 공공하수처리시설 유입수 수질자료의 통계적 특성 및 추계학적 모의
박기정, 정민재, 이한샘, 김덕우, 윤재영, 백경록
한국물환경학회지 28 (1), 38-49, 2012
우리나라 공공하수처리시설의 방류수 수질현황 분석을 통한 겨울철 방류수수질기준의 적정성 평가
엄철용, 주경훈, 윤주환, 최익훈, 박재영, 이한샘, 고광백
한국물환경학회지 27 (4), 523-532, 2011
환경서비스 플랫폼 모형구축 사례
이한샘, 임병란, 신현상
대한환경공학회 학술발표논문집, 135-135, 2022
진위천합류전 소권역 오염원 배출특성 및 수질관리방안
임병란, 이한샘, 신현상
대한상하수도학회· 한국물환경학회 공동학술발표회 발표논문 2022, 1-1, 2022
황구지천 유역의 오염부하 특성 및 지류 영향 평가
임수진, 임병란, 이한샘, 강주형, 안태웅, 신현상
한국물환경학회지 37 (4), 249-262, 2021
바이오매스 및 개질방법에 따른 바이오차의 중금속 제거효율 및 수계 영향
김윤지, 이한샘, 김주영, 신현상
심포지엄 및 특별세션 2021 (1), 461-471, 2021
퇴적물 재부유에 따른 유기물과 중금속 용출 및 용존산소량 변화 특성에 대한 연구
강선경, 이한샘, 임병란, 이동석, 신현상
한국물환경학회지 37 (1), 1-9, 2021
한강수계 지천에서의 미관리 무기계 물질 검출 특성 연구
임혜빈, 이한샘, 김홍석, 이흥수, 신현상
대한환경공학회 학술발표논문집, 574-574, 2020
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