Xinze Lu
Uranium isotope compositions of mid-Proterozoic black shales: Evidence for an episode of increased ocean oxygenation at 1.36 Ga and evaluation of the effect of post …
S Yang, B Kendall, X Lu, F Zhang, W Zheng
Precambrian Research 298, 187-201, 2017
Marine redox conditions during deposition of Late Ordovician and Early Silurian organic-rich mudrocks in the Siljan ring district, central Sweden
X Lu, B Kendall, HJ Stein, C Li, JL Hannah, GW Gordon, JOR Ebbestad
Chemical Geology 457, 75-94, 2017
The sedimentary geochemistry and paleoenvironments project
ÚC Farrell, R Samawi, S Anjanappa, R Klykov, OO Adeboye, H Agic, ...
Geobiology 19 (6), 545-556, 2021
Estimating ancient seawater isotope compositions and global ocean redox conditions by coupling the molybdenum and uranium isotope systems of euxinic organic-rich mudrocks
X Lu, TW Dahl, W Zheng, S Wang, B Kendall
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 290, 76-103, 2020
Temporal record of osmium concentrations and 187Os/188Os in organic-rich mudrocks: Implications for the osmium geochemical cycle and the use of osmium as a paleoceanographic tracer
X Lu, B Kendall, HJ Stein, JL Hannah
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 216, 221-241, 2017
Curation and analysis of global sedimentary geochemical data to inform earth history
A Mehra, C Keller, T Zhang, N Tosca, S McLennan, E Sperling, U Farrell, ...
GSA Today 31 (5), 4-10, 2021
Uranium and molybdenum isotope evidence for globally extensive marine euxinia on continental margins and in epicontinental seas during the Devonian-Carboniferous Hangenberg Crisis
S Yang, X Lu, X Chen, W Zheng, JD Owens, SA Young, B Kendall
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 352, 133-156, 2023
No evidence for expansion of global ocean euxinia during the base Stairsian mass extinction event (Tremadocian, Early Ordovician)
X Lu, CT Edwards, B Kendall
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 341, 116-131, 2023
Reconstruction of Local and Global Marine Redox Conditions During Deposition of Late Ordovician and Early Silurian Organic-Rich Mudrocks in the Siljan Ring District, Central Sweden
X Lu
University of Waterloo, 2016
Uranium isotopes in non-euxinic shale and carbonate reveal dynamic Katian marine redox conditions accompanying a decrease in biodiversity prior to the Late Ordovician Mass …
X Lu, GJ Gilleaudeau, B Kendall
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 364, 22-43, 2024
Early Paleozoic Ocean Redox Dynamics: Perspectives from Uranium Isotopes of Sedimentary Rocks
X Lu
University of Waterloo, 2022
Uranium and molybdenum isotope evidence for globally extensive marine euxinia on continental margins and in epicontinental seas during the Devonian-Carboniferous Hangenberg Crisis
B Kendall, S Yang, X Lu, X Chen, W Zheng, JD Owens, SA Young
GSA Annual Meeting 2022, 2022
Ocean redox conditions in a less-oxygenated Ordovician world: Perspectives from uranium isotope compositions of the Katian organic-rich mudrocks in southern Ontario, Canada
X Lu, B Kendall
Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July, 2021
Revisiting a Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) mass extinction event and ocean anoxia: New insights from trace metal abundances and uranium isotope compositions of carbonates from …
X Lu, CT Edwards, B Kendall
GSA Annual Meeting 2021, 2021
An episode of progressively oxygenated Katian ocean during the Taconic Orogeny: evidence from uranium isotope compositions of organic-rich sedimentary rocks in southern Ontario …
X Lu, GJ Gilleaudeau, B Kendall
GAC-MAC Annual Meeting 2021, 2021
Reconstructing global paleocean redox conditions by coupling the Mo and U isotope systems of euxinic organic-rich mudrocks
X Lu, B Kendall, TW Dahl
Goldschmidt 2020, 2020
Reconstructing Global Paleocean Redox Conditions: Exploring the Coupled Use of the Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Systems in Euxinic Organic-rich Mudrocks
X Lu, B Kendall, TW Dahl
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, V51E-0099, 2019
Towards an integrated multi-proxy approach to constrain Proterozoic Global Ocean redox conditions using redox-sensitive trace metal enrichments and isotope compositions [KEYNOTE]
B Kendall, X Lu, AI Sheen, S Yang, TW Dahl, JD Owens, CT Reinhard
GAC-MAC-IAH Québec 2019, 2019
A Devonian example of why an integrated geochemical approach is needed to infer global ocean redox
B Kendall, J Wang, W Zheng, S Romaniello, X Lu, TW Dahl
Goldschmidt 2019, 2019
Ocean redox conditions in a less oxygenated Ordovician world: A case study on the non-euxinic Katian organic-rich mudrocks of southern Ontario
X Lu, R Truong, B Kendall
GSA Annual Meeting 2019, 2019
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