Husrev Mennan
Husrev Mennan
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Weed suppression in organic pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) with winter cover crops
D Isik, E Kaya, M Ngouajio, H Mennan
Crop Protection 28 (4), 356-363, 2009
Occurrence of viruses in field-grown pepper crops and some of their reservoir weed hosts in Samsun, Turkey
M Arli-Sokmen, H Mennan, MA Sevik, O Ecevit
Phytoparasitica 33, 347-358, 2005
Global distribution of rice weeds–a review
H Kraehmer, K Jabran, H Mennan, BS Chauhan
Crop Protection 80, 73-86, 2016
Weed populations and pickling cucumber (Cucumis sativus) yield under summer and winter cover crop systems
M Ngouajio, H Mennan
Crop Protection 24 (6), 521-526, 2005
Non-chemical weed management in vegetables by using cover crops: A review
H Mennan, K Jabran, BH Zandstra, F Pala
Agronomy 10 (2), 257, 2020
Seasonal cycles in germination and seedling emergence of summer and winter populations of catchweed bedstraw (Galium aparine) and wild mustard (Brassica kaber)
H Mennan, M Ngouajio
Weed Science 54 (1), 114-120, 2006
The critical period for weed control in corn in Turkey
D Isik, H Mennan, B Bukun, A Oz, M Ngouajio
Weed technology 20 (4), 867-872, 2006
Invasive weed species in onion production systems during the last 25 years in Amasya, Turkey
H Mennan, D Isik
Pak. J. Bot 35 (2), 155-160, 2003
Effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars and seeding rate on yield loss from Galium aparine (cleavers)
H Mennan, BH Zandstra
Crop Protection 24 (12), 1061-1067, 2005
Effects of alternative management systems on weed populations in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)
H Mennan, M Ngouajio, D Isık, E Kaya
Crop protection 25 (8), 835-841, 2006
Genetic and morphologic diversity of Echinochloa crus-galli populations from different origins
E Kaya Altop, H Mennan
Phytoparasitica 39, 93-102, 2011
Summer cover crops for weed management and yield improvement in organic lettuce (Lactuca sativa) production
D Isık, E Kaya, M Ngouajio, H Mennan
Phytoparasitica 37, 193-203, 2009
Critical period for weed control in leek (Allium porrum L.)
N Tursun, B Bükün, SC Karacan, M Ngouajio, H Mennan
HortScience 42 (1), 106-109, 2007
The Effects of Depth and Duration of Burial on Seasonal Germination, Dormancy and Viability of Galium aparine and Bifora radians Seeds
H Mennan
Journal of agronomy and crop science 189 (5), 304-309, 2003
Competitiveness of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars against Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. in water-seeded production systems
H Mennan, M Ngouajio, M Sahin, D Isık, EK Altop
Crop Protection 41, 1-9, 2012
Diyarbakır ili buğday tarlalarında bulunan yabancı otların belirlenmesi
F Pala, H Mennan
Bitki Koruma Bülteni 57 (4), 447-461, 2017
The effects of depth and duration of seed burial on viability, dormancy, germination, and emergence of ivyleaf speedwell (Veronica hederifolia)
H Mennan, BH Zandstra
Weed Technology 20 (2), 438-444, 2006
Allelopathic potential of some essential oil bearing plant extracts on Common Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.)
D Isik, H Mennan, M Cam, N Tursun, M Arslan
Rev. Chim 67 (3), 455-459, 2016
Economic thresholds of Avena spp., and Alopecurus myosuroides in winter wheat fields
H Mennan, M Bozoglu, D Isik
Pakistan journal of Botany 35 (2), 147-154, 2003
Use of cover crops for weed suppression in hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in Turkey
D Isik, M Dok, K Ak, I Macit, Z Demir, H Mennan
Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 79 (2), 105-110, 2014
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