The overall and fat composition of milk of various species V Gantner, P Mijić, M Baban, Z Škrtić, A Turalija Mljekarstvo: časopis za unaprjeđenje proizvodnje i prerade mlijeka 65 (4 …, 2015 | 134 | 2015 |
Specijalna hranidba domaćih životinja M Domaćinović, Z Antunović, E Džomba, A Opačak, M Baban | 68 | 2015 |
Zootehnika G Kralik, Z Adámek, M Baban, I Bogut, V Gantner, S Ivanković, I Katavić, ... | 39 | 2011 |
Ekološka zootehnika Đ Senčić, Z Antunović, P Mijić, M Baban, Z Puškadija | 36 | 2011 |
Morphological and milkability breed differences of dairy cows T Bobić, P Mijić, G Vučković, M Gregić, M Baban, V Gantner Mljekarstvo: časopis za unaprjeđenje proizvodnje i prerade mlijeka 64 (2), 71-78, 2014 | 29 | 2014 |
Mlijeko kobila i magarica A Ivanković, K Potočnik, J Ramljak, M Baban, N Antunac | 22 | 2016 |
Phenotypic correlations of stride traits and body measurements in Lipizzaner stallions and mares M Baban, I Curik, B Antunovic, M Cacic, N Korabi, P Mijic Journal of equine veterinary science 29 (6), 513-518, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
The impact of environmental factors on the milk ejection and stress of dairy cows T Bobić, P Mijić, I Knežević, M Šperanda, B Antunović, M Baban, M Sakač, ... Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 27 (3), 919-927, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Konjogojstvo u Republici Hrvatskoj–stanje i perspektiva M Baban, M Gregić, N Korabi, B Antunović Krmiva 54 (3), 89-98, 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
A comparison and development of morphometric characteristics of stallions and mares on the Lipizzaner stud of Dakovo T Rastija, M Baban, Z Antunovic, I Mandic Acta agriculturae slovenica 1, 195-200, 2004 | 18 | 2004 |
Estimation of heritability of Lipizzaner horses for morphological traits by means of various methods M Baban, T Rastija, P Caput, I Knežević, N Stipić Czech journal of animal science 43 (7), 299-303, 1998 | 16 | 1998 |
Characteristics of milk production traits of Balkan goats raised under “low-input” production systems V Bogdanović, P Perišić, R Đedović, Z Popović, P Mijić, M Baban, ... Mljekarstvo: časopis za unaprjeđenje proizvodnje i prerade mlijeka 60 (1), 30-36, 2010 | 15 | 2010 |
The relationship between diet and retained placenta in cows K Alšić, M Domaćinović, Ž Pavičić, Ž Bukvić, M Baban, B Antunović Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 2, 155-162, 2008 | 14 | 2008 |
Relationship of milking rate and somatic cell count to the health of bovine udders. P Mijic, I Knezevic, M Baban, M Domacinovic | 14 | 2003 |
Analysis of horse breeding and equestrian sports in the Republic of Croatia M Baban, M Sakač, N Korabi, B Antunović, P Mijić, A Ivanković, J Ramljak Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 27 (3), 415-429, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Investigation of correlations and milking parameter distribution on cattle farms in eastern Croatia P Mijić, I Knežević, M Baban, M Domaćinović, D Rimac Acta agronomica hungarica 51 (2), 191-198, 2003 | 13 | 2003 |
Indices of sustainability of horse traction in agriculture R Gantner, M Baban, H Glavas, M Ivanovic, P Schlechter, L Sumanovac, ... Economy of eastern Croatia yesterday, today, tommorow 3, 616-626, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Kvaliteta trupova i mesa pilića kokoši pasmine hrvatica iz ekološkog tova Đ Senčić, D Samac, G Kalić, M Baban Meso 15 (3), 372-375, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Distribution of milk flow in Holstein Friesian and Fleckvieh cows in Croatia P Mijić, I Knežević, M Domaćinović, M Baban, D Kralik Archives Animal Breeding 45 (4), 341-348, 2002 | 12 | 2002 |
MOGUĆNOSTI PROIZVODNJE I KORIŠTENJA KOBILJEG MLIJEKA POSSIBILITIES FOR PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF MARE'S MILK D Avrelio, M Baban, P Mijić, Z Antunović, M Ernoić, B Antunović Izvorni znanstveni članci-Original scientific papers 51 (6), 343, 2009 | 9* | 2009 |