Zhiguo Zeng
Zhiguo Zeng
Professor, Centralesupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
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Modeling dependent competing failure processes with degradation-shock dependence
M Fan, Z Zeng, E Zio, R Kang
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 165, 422-430, 2017
Measuring reliability under epistemic uncertainty: Review on non-probabilistic reliability metrics
R Kang, Q Zhang, Z Zeng, E Zio, X Li
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 29 (3), 571-579, 2016
Belief reliability: a new metrics for products’ reliability
Z Zeng, M Wen, R Kang
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 12, 15-27, 2013
Uncertainty theory as a basis for belief reliability
Z Zeng, R Kang, M Wen, E Zio
Information Sciences 429, 26-36, 2018
Dynamic risk assessment based on statistical failure data and condition-monitoring degradation data
Z Zeng, E Zio
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 67 (2), 609-622, 2018
A Markov reward process-based framework for resilience analysis of multistate energy systems under the threat of extreme events
Z Zeng, YP Fang, Q Zhai, S Du
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 209, 107443, 2021
An integrated modeling framework for quantitative business continuity assessment
Z Zeng, E Zio
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 106, 76-88, 2017
Application of reliability technologies in civil aviation: Lessons learnt and perspectives
ZIO Enrico, FAN Mengfei, Z Zhiguo, K Rui
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 32 (1), 143-158, 2019
Remaining useful life prediction by fusing expert knowledge and condition monitoring information
T Xiahou, Z Zeng, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (4), 2653-2663, 2020
A model-based reliability metric considering aleatory and epistemic uncertainty
Z Zeng, R Kang, M Wen, E Zio
IEEE Access 5, 15505-15515, 2017
A stochastic hybrid systems model of common-cause failures of degrading components
M Fan, Z Zeng, E Zio, R Kang, Y Chen
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 172, 159-170, 2018
A sequential Bayesian approach for remaining useful life prediction of dependent competing failure processes
M Fan, Z Zeng, E Zio, R Kang, Y Chen
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 68 (1), 317-329, 2018
Modeling and vulnerability analysis of interdependent railway and power networks: Application to British test systems
A Bellè, Z Zeng, C Duval, M Sango, A Barros
Reliability engineering & system safety 217, 108091, 2022
A framework for dynamic risk assessment with condition monitoring data and inspection data
J Xing, Z Zeng, E Zio
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 191, 106552, 2019
Probability box as a tool to model and control the effect of epistemic uncertainty in multiple dependent competing failure processes
Q Zhang, Z Zeng, E Zio, R Kang
Applied Soft Computing 56, 570-579, 2017
Using PoF models to predict system reliability considering failure collaboration
Z Zeng, R Kang, Y Chen
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 29 (5), 1294-1301, 2016
Dynamic predictive maintenance for multiple components using data-driven probabilistic RUL prognostics: The case of turbofan engines
M Mitici, I de Pater, A Barros, Z Zeng
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 234, 109199, 2023
Reliability analysis of Markov history-dependent repairable systems with neglected failures
S Du, Z Zeng, L Cui, R Kang
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 159, 134-142, 2017
A hierarchical decision-making framework for the assessment of the prediction capability of prognostic methods
Z Zeng, F Di Maio, E Zio, R Kang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2017
Selective maintenance and inspection optimization for partially observable systems: An interactively sequential decision framework
Y Liu, J Gao, T Jiang, Z Zeng
IISE Transactions 55 (5), 463-479, 2023
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