Regardt J. Ferreira
Regardt J. Ferreira
其他姓名Reggie Ferreira
Professor; Director, Disaster Resilience Leadership; Executive Director CEDR
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Domestic violence perpetrator programs: A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States
J Babcock, N Armenti, C Cannon, K Lauve-Moon, F Buttell, R Ferreira, ...
Partner Abuse 7 (4), 355-460, 2016
A survey of domestic violence perpetrator programs in the United States and Canada: Findings and implications for policy and intervention
C Cannon, J Hamel, F Buttell, RJ Ferreira
Partner abuse 7 (3), 226-276, 2016
The Hidden Disaster of COVID-19: Intimate Partner Violence
F Buttell, RJ Ferreira
Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy, 2020
COVID-19: Immediate predictors of individual resilience
RJ Ferreira, F Buttell, C Cannon
Sustainability 12 (16), 6495, 2020
Implementing Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) with Latino Youth
A Annette, R Ferreira
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-9, 2016
Ethical Considerations for Conducting Disaster Research with Vulnerable Populations
R Ferreira, F Buttell, S Ferreira
Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics 3, 379-384, 2015
An Exploratory Investigation: Post-disaster Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence
K Lauve-Moon, R Ferreira
Clinical Social Work Journal, 1-12, 2016
COVID-19, intimate partner violence, and communication ecologies
CEB Cannon, R Ferreira, F Buttell, J First
American Behavioral Scientist 65 (7), 992-1013, 2021
Predictors of individual resilience characteristics among individuals ages 65 and older in post-disaster settings
J Liddell, RJ Ferreira
Disaster medicine and public health preparedness 13 (2), 256-264, 2019
COVID-19 and intimate partner violence: Prevalence of resilience and perceived stress during a pandemic.
F Buttell, CEB Cannon, K Rose, RJ Ferreira
Traumatology 27 (1), 20, 2021
Gender and batterer intervention: Implications of a program evaluation for policy and treatment
J Hamel, RJ Ferreira, F Buttell
Research on Social Work Practice 27 (4), 405-412, 2017
Gender and resilience in Gulf Coast communities: Risk and protective factors following a technological disaster
ES Lightfoo, t Amy E.Lesen, RJ Ferreira
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 2020
Can a “psychosocial model” help explain violence perpetrated by female batterers?
RJ Ferreira, FP Buttell
Research on Social Work Practice 26 (4), 362-371, 2016
Critical race theory, parenting, and intimate partner violence: Analyzing race and gender
C Cannon, RJ Ferreira, F Buttell
Research on Social Work Practice 29 (5), 590-602, 2019
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Resilience and growth in the aftermath of postdisaster intimate partner violence
RJ Ferreira, F Buttell, K Elmhurst
Journal of Family Social Work 21 (1), 22-44, 2018
Male parenting attitudes and batterer intervention: Assessing child maltreatment risk
CE Burnette, RJ Ferreira, F Buttell
Research on Social Work Practice 27 (4), 468-477, 2017
Resilience and knowledge of PTSD symptoms in military spouses.
T Zwanziger, C Anderson, J Lewis, R Ferreira, C Figley
Traumatology 23 (1), 43, 2017
Predictors of individual resilience: Gender differences among African Americans
RJ Ferreira, V Adolph, M Hall, F Buttell
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 16 (4), 347-362, 2019
Climate change, resilience, and trauma: Course of action through research, policy, and practice.
RJ Ferreira
Educational Publishing Foundation 26 (3), 246, 2020
Resilience: Examining the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf Coast Vietnamese American community
MM Patel, LY Saltzman, RJ Ferreira, AE Lesen
Social Sciences 7 (10), 203, 2018
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