Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne
Lecturer in Political Economy, University College Dublin
在 ucd.ie 的电子邮件经过验证
Escape into the city: Everyday practices of commoning and the production of urban space in Dublin
P Bresnihan, M Byrne
Antipode 47 (1), 36-54, 2015
Speculating on London's housing future: The rise of global corporate landlords in ‘post-crisis’ urban landscapes
J Beswick, G Alexandri, M Byrne, S Vives-Miró, D Fields, S Hodkinson, ...
City 20 (2), 321-341, 2016
Generation rent and the financialization of housing: A comparative exploration of the growth of the private rental sector in Ireland, the UK and Spain
M Byrne
Housing Studies 35 (4), 743-765, 2020
‘Asset price urbanism’and financialization after the crisis: Ireland's National Asset Management Agency
M Byrne
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (1), 31-45, 2016
Housing market financialization, neoliberalism and everyday retrenchment of social housing
M Byrne, M Norris
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 54 (1), 182-198, 2022
Procyclical social housing and the crisis of Irish housing policy: Marketization, social housing, and the property boom and bust
M Byrne, M Norris
Housing Policy Debate 28 (1), 50-63, 2018
Governing urban vacancy in post-crash Dublin: Contested property and alternative social projects
C O’Callaghan, C Di Feliciantonio, M Byrne
Urban Geography 39 (6), 868-891, 2018
Secure occupancy, power and the landlord-tenant relation: a qualitative exploration of the Irish private rental sector
M Byrne, R McArdle
Housing Studies 37 (1), 124-142, 2022
Entrepreneurial urbanism after the crisis: Ireland's “Bad Bank” and the redevelopment of Dublin's Docklands
M Byrne
Antipode 48 (4), 899-918, 2016
Bad banks: the urban implications of asset management companies
M Byrne
Urban Research & Practice 8 (2), 255-266, 2015
Asset price Keynesianism, regional imbalances and the Irish and Spanish housing booms and busts
M Norris, M Byrne
Built Environment 41 (2), 227-243, 2015
Stay home: Reflections on the meaning of home and the Covid-19 pandemic
M Byrne
Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (3), 351-355, 2020
Bad banks and the urban political economy of financialization: The resolution of financial–real estate crises and the co-constitution of urban space and finance
M Byrne
City 20 (5), 685-699, 2016
Combatting stigmatisation of social housing neighbourhoods in Dublin, Ireland
M Norris, M Byrne, A Carnegie
International Journal of Housing Policy 19 (2), 254-266, 2019
Housing market (in) stability and social rented housing: comparing Austria and Ireland during the global financial crisis
M Norris, M Byrne
Journal of housing and the built environment 33, 227-245, 2018
Bouncing back: The political economy of crisis and recovery at the intersection of commercial real estate and global finance
M Byrne
Irish Geography 48 (2), 78-98, 2015
The political economy of the ‘residential rent relation’: Antagonism and tenant organising in the irish rental sector
M Byrne
Radical Housing Journal 1 (2), 9-26, 2019
A tale of two busts (and a boom): Irish social housing before and after the global financial crisis
N Michelle, B Michael
Critical Housing Analysis 4 (2), 19-28, 2017
Security and agency in the Irish private rental sector
M Byrne, R McArdle
Dublin: Threshold, 2020
Funding resilient and fragile social housing systems in Ireland and Denmark
M Norris, M Byrne
Housing studies 36 (9), 1469-1489, 2021
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