Olle Jansson
Olle Jansson
Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
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Sweden: supplementary Occupational Welfare with near universal coverage
O Jansson, J Ottosson, S Murhem, L Magnusson
Occupational Welfare in Europe: Risks, opportunities and social partner …, 2018
Negotiating a new Swedish model: Employment transition agreements and the struggle over redundancies
O Jansson, J Ottosson
Journal of Industrial Relations 63 (5), 706-727, 2021
Collective agreements against labor market risks in Sweden: the case of the PTK-SAF employment secu rity agreement
O Jansson, J Ottosson
Labor History 62 (3), 316-333, 2021
Industriell invandring: Utländsk arbetskraft och metall-och verkstadsindustrin, i Västmanlands län och på Bulten i Hallstahammar, 1946-1967
O Jansson
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2014
Unemployment and Pensions Protection in Europe: the Changing Role of Social Partners–SWEDEN
O Jansson, J Ottosson, S Murhem, L Magnusson
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper, 2016
Neither sticks nor carrots: Swedish trade union involvement in the European Semester
O Jansson, J Jansson, J Ottosson
Roundtable, Nordic Social Partners and the European Semester. What kind of …, 2018
Unemployment and Pensions Protection in Europe: the Changing Role of Social Partners
O Jansson, J Ottosson, S Murhem, L Magnusson
PROWELFARE country report: Sweden. OSE Paper Seires. Research Paper, 2016
The role of industry in Sweden’s total defence: Past, present, and future
P Malmberg, J Ottosson, M Eriksson, O Jansson
National Preparedness Commission, 2023
Suitable, exploitable or undesirable: employer perceptions and categorisations of migrant workers in the manufacturing industries of Post-War Central Sweden
O Jansson
Immigrants & Minorities 38 (1-2), 131-150, 2020
Organized interests and foreign-educated professionals: The case of the associations for physicians and nurses in Sweden
O Jansson
IFAU, 2017
Country report Sweden
O Jansson, J Ottosson
Unemployment and Pensions Protection in Europe: The Changing Role of Social …, 2016
Employer Agency and Migration Networks in Post-War Sweden: The Case of Manufacturing Companies and Migrant Workers in Västmanland County
O Jansson
Journal of Migration History 4 (1), 187-210, 2018
SAS and the Cold War
M Eriksson, O Jansson, L Fälting, J Ottosson
15th Swedish Economic History Meeting, 2023
A Reluctant Retreat?: The Swedish Medical Association and policies concerning foreign educated physicians in the early post-war era
O Jansson
European Social Science History Conference 2023, 2023
Från trygghet till omställning: avtal mellan PTK och SAF
O Jansson, J Ottosson
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv 28 (1), 6-25, 2022
” Utspädningen av den svenska läkarkåren med utländska element”. Sveriges läkarförbunds argument mot rekrytering av läkare från Österrike 1950
O Jansson
Scandia: Tidskrift för historisk forskning 87 (2), 2021
" The Dilution of the Medical Profession with Foreign Elements". The Swedish Medical Association's Arguments Against the 1950 Recruitment of Austrian Physicians
O Jansson
SCANDIA 87 (2), 204-228, 2021
Technological Shifts and the Social Partners: Is the European Semester Heading Towards a Social Europe?
J Jansson, O Jansson, J Ottosson
The European Union and the Technology Shift, 161-183, 2021
Hemvändare och marknaden för kompetens: Recension av Gunnar Eliasson: Sverige och den globala marknaden för kompetens-hur ta tillvara kunskapskapitalet och bli en attraktiv …
O Jansson
Ekonomisk Debatt 48 (6), 70-73, 2020
Teknikskiften och arbetsmarknadens parter: Är den europeiska planeringsterminen en väg mot ett socialt Europa?
J Jansson, O Jansson, J Ottosson
Santérus Förlag, 2020
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