María Isabel Rodríguez Ferradas
María Isabel Rodríguez Ferradas
Profesora Contratada Doctora, TECNUN - University of Navarra
在 tecnun.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Open innovation in automotive SMEs suppliers: an opportunity for new product development
MI Rodríguez-Ferradas, JA Alfaro-Tanco
Universia Business Review, 142-157, 2016
Wearable Design Requirements Identification and Evaluation
L Francés-Morcillo, P Morer-Camo, MIRFA Cazón-Martín
Sensors, 2599, 2020
Relevant factors of innovation contests for SMEs
MI Rodriguez Ferradas, JA Alfaro Tanco, F Sandulli
Business Process Management Journal 23 (6), 1196-1215, 2017
Design and manufacturing of shin pads with multi-material additive manufactured features for football players: A comparison with commercial shin pads
A Cazón-Martín, M Iturrizaga-Campelo, L Matey-Muñoz, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of …, 2019
Additive manufacturing on textiles with low-cost extrusion devices: Adhesion and deformation properties
J Oyon Calvo, A Cazon Martin, MI Rodriguez Ferradas, ...
Dyna 94 (2), 221-225, 2019
Design and development of a low-cost wearable glove to track forces exerted by workers in car assembly lines
L Francés, P Morer, MI Rodriguez, A Cazón
Sensors 19 (2), 296, 2019
The transition of regional innovation systems to Industry 4.0: the case of Basque Country and Catalonia
FD Sandulli, EM Gimenez-Fernandez, MIR Ferradas
European Planning Studies, 2021
The role of user-centred design in smart wearable systems design process
L Francés-Morcillo, P Morer-Camo, MI Rodríguez-Ferradas, ...
DS 92: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference …, 2018
Las asociaciones empresariales como motores de la innovación estratégica en las empresas: marco teórico y aplicación al caso de Navarra
JA Alfaro, A Mejia-Villa, M Recalde, MI Rodríguez-Ferradas
EUNSA. Pamplona, España, 2017
Direct digital manufacturing for sports and medical sciences: Three practical cases
A Cazon-Martin, L Matey-Munoz, M Isabel Rodriguez-Ferradas, ...
Dyna 90 (6), 621-627, 2015
The wearable co-design domino: a user-centered methodology to co-design and co-evaluate wearables
L Frances Morcillo, P Morer-Camo, M Isabel Rodriguez Ferradas, ...
Sensors 20 (10), 2934, 2020
Startups’ open innovation journeys with large companies
MIR Ferradas, E Bohemia, Y Canik
UCJC Business and Society Review (Formerly Known as Universia Business …, 2020
Methodology for the additive manufacture of embedded conductive paths connecting microelectromechanical sensors using conductive and flexible filaments with extrusion devices
HMFDAA Chuan Cao, Aitor Caz?on-Martín, María Isabel Rodriguez-Ferradas, Paz ...
Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2019
Development of a Low-Cost Wearable Prevention System for Musculoskeletal Disorders Using Inertial Measurement Unit Systems
C Cao, MI Rodríguez-Ferradas, A Cazón-Martin, P Morer
Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing II: Proceedings …, 2019
Startups' open innovation journeys with large companies: A multiple case study
MI Rodríguez-Ferradas, E Bohemia, Y Canik
UCJC Business and Society Review, 52-79, 2020
Revisión de la tecnología wearable y su aplicación en guantes inteligentes.
L Francés, P Morer, MI Rodríguez, A Cazón
DYNA-Ingeniería e Industria 93 (4), 2018
A framework for Open Innovation practices: Typology and characterisation
MI Rodríguez-Ferradas, JA Alfaro, F Sandulli
Relevant factors in the implementation of open innovation practices: Application to the case of SMEs in the automotive sector
MI Rodríguez Ferradas
Relevant factors in the implementation of open innovation practices …, 2014
Relevant factors influencing cognitive distance in the performance of collaborative research projects
MI Rodriguez-Ferradas, EL Sanjurjo-San Martin, JA Alfaro-Tanco
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 22, 16094069231174761, 2023
A review of wearable technology for smart gloves
L Frances, P Morer, MI Rodriguez, A Cazon
Dyna Ing. E Ind 93, 421-427, 2017
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