Benjamin S. Rashford
Benjamin S. Rashford
University of Wyoming, Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics
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Economics of grassland conversion to cropland in the Prairie Pothole Region
BS Rashford, JA Walker, CT Bastian
Conservation Biology 25 (2), 276-284, 2011
Opportunities and trade-offs among BECCS and the food, water, energy, biodiversity, and social systems nexus at regional scales
PC Stoy, S Ahmed, M Jarchow, B Rashford, D Swanson, S Albeke, ...
BioScience 68 (2), 100-111, 2018
The effects of environmental amenities on agricultural land values
JR Wasson, DM McLeod, CT Bastian, BS Rashford
Land Economics 89 (3), 466-478, 2013
Projected wetland densities under climate change: habitat loss but little geographic shift in conservation strategy
HR Sofaer, SK Skagen, JJ Barsugli, BS Rashford, GC Reese, JA Hoeting, ...
Ecological Applications 26 (6), 1677-1692, 2016
Wolf (Canis lupus) predation impacts on livestock production: direct effects, indirect effects, and implications for compensation ratios
JR Steele, BS Rashford, TK Foulke, JA Tanaka, DT Taylor
Rangeland Ecology & Management 66 (5), 539-544, 2013
Impacts of climate change on land-use and wetland productivity in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America
BS Rashford, RM Adams, JJ Wu, RA Voldseth, GR Guntenspergen, ...
Regional Environmental Change 16, 515-526, 2016
Agricultural land‐use change in Prairie Canada: implications for wetland and waterfowl habitat conservation
BS Rashford, CT Bastian, JG Cole
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2011
Improving the cost‐effectiveness of ecosystem management: an application to waterfowl production
BS Rashford, RM Adams
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89 (3), 755-768, 2007
The impact of residential development pattern on wildland fire suppression expenditures
AM Clark, BS Rashford, DM McLeod, SN Lieske, RH Coupal, SE Albeke
Land Economics 92 (4), 656-678, 2016
Profitability of carbon sequestration in western rangelands of the United States
JP Ritten, CT Bastian, BS Rashford
Rangeland Ecology & Management 65 (4), 340-350, 2012
Toward a more comprehensive valuation of western rangelands
BS Rashford, AV Lachininskiĭ, JP Ritten
University of Wyoming Extension, 2013
Modeling grassland conversion: Challenges of using satellite imagery data
BS Rashford, SE Albeke, DJ Lewis
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95 (2), 404-411, 2013
Grazing influence, objective development, and management in Wyoming’s greater sage-grouse habitat
J Cagney, E Bainter, B Budd, T Christiansen, V Herren, M Holloran, ...
University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service, Laramie, WY, 2010
Evaluation of avoided grassland conversion and cropland conversion to grassland as potential carbon offset project types
D Diaz, B Rashford, S De Gryze, S Zakreski, R Dell, M Niles
Portland, Oregon: The Climate Trust, 2012
Ranch-level economic impacts of predation in a range livestock system
BS Rashford, T Foulke, DT Taylor
Rangelands 32 (3), 21-26, 2010
Wild-captive interactions and economics drive dynamics of Asian elephants in Laos
G Maurer, BS Rashford, V Chanthavong, B Mulot, O Gimenez
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14800, 2017
Misclassification error in satellite imagery data: Implications for empirical land-use models
AM Sandler, BS Rashford
Land Use Policy 75, 530-537, 2018
Land use, climate change and ecosystem services
W Attavanich, BS Rashford, RM Adams, BA McCarl
Oxford handbook of land economics, 255-280, 2014
Application of a bioeconomic production model to improve wildlife management
BS Rashford, BD Dugger, RM Adams
The journal of wildlife management 72 (2), 510-517, 2008
Opportunities and challenges to waterfowl habitat conservation on private land
WL Hohman, EB Lindstrom, BS Rashford, JH Devries
Wildfowl, 368–406, 2014
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