Social acceptance of renewable energy innovation: An introduction to the concept R Wüstenhagen, M Wolsink, MJ Bürer Energy policy 35 (5), 2683-2691, 2007 | 3696 | 2007 |
Which renewable energy policy is a venture capitalist's best friend? Empirical evidence from a survey of international cleantech investors MJ Bürer, R Wüstenhagen Energy policy 37 (12), 4997-5006, 2009 | 609 | 2009 |
Use cases for Blockchain in the Energy Industry Opportunities of emerging business models and related risks MJ Burer, M de Lapparent, V Pallotta, M Capezzali, M Carpita Computers & Industrial Engineering 137 (106002), 2019 | 121 | 2019 |
Cleantech venture investors and energy policy risk: an exploratory analysis of regulatory risk management strategies MJ Bürer, R Wüstenhagen Sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship, 290-309, 2008 | 58 | 2008 |
Will emission trading promote end-use energy efficiency and renewable energy projects P BERTOLDI, S REZESSY, MJ BURER | 32 | 2005 |
Climate change and the potential implications for California's transportation system P duVair, D Wickizer, MJ Burer The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on TransportationUS Department of …, 2003 | 26 | 2003 |
Financing fuel cell market development: Exploring the role of expectation dynamics in venture capital investment R Wüstenhagen, R Wuebker, MJ Bürer, D Goddard Innovation, markets and sustainable energy, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Location efficiency as the missing piece of the energy puzzle: how smart growth can unlock trillion dollar consumer cost savings M Bürer, D Goldstein, J Holtzclaw Proceedings, 2004 ACEEE summer study on energy efficiency in buildings, 2004 | 20 | 2004 |
Governance drivers and barriers for business model transformation in the energy sector MJ Bürer, M de Lapparent, M Capezzali, M Carpita Swiss Energy Governance: Political, Economic and Legal Challenges and …, 2022 | 12 | 2022 |
Public policy and clean energy private equity investment MJ Bürer Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |
Blockchain in industry: Review of key use cases and lessons learned MJ Bürer, M Capezzali, M de Lapparent, V Pallotta, M Carpita 2019 IEEE international conference on engineering, technology and innovation …, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Funds offer carbon “kicker” MJ Bürer Environmental Finance 3 (1), 2001 | 5 | 2001 |
BlockChainTechnology for energy transition MJ Bürer, M Capezzali, M Carpita, M De Lapparent, V Pallotta Blockchain Technology and Innovations in Business Processes, 153-188, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading: Cogen case studies in the early trading market MJ Buerer Cogeneration and On-Site Power Production 2, 2001 | 2 | 2001 |
What Role Do Tangibles Play in Fostering Design Thinking Skills? An Exploratory Study Y Jalali, MJ Bürer, N Petringa, JD Zufferey 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Use cases for blockchain in the energy industry: A critical review MJ Bürer, M De Laparrent, V Pallotta, M Capezzali, M Carpita Proceedings of ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
The role of government in supporting the emergence of clean energy venture capital investing in Switzerland MJ Bürer, R Wüstenhagen | 1 | 2005 |
The Role of Government in Supporting the Emergence of Clean Energy Venture Capital Investing in Switzerland: Project Report on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy MJ Bürer, R Wüstenhagen | 1 | 2005 |
Opportunities for e-mobility and grid services for microgrids in the context of an industrial area in Switzerland MJ Bürer, G Orlando, L Deschaintre, M Capezzali, S Thuillard Proceedings of FTAL 2021, 28-29 October, 2021, Lugano, Switzerland-CEUR Workshop, 2021 | | 2021 |
Investor acceptance of wind energy in Switzerland-Final report MJ Buerer | | 2009 |