Sijia Qian
Predicting intentions to engage with scientific messages on Twitter: The roles of mirth and need for humor
SK Yeo, LYF Su, MA Cacciatore, M McKasy, S Qian
Science Communication 42 (4), 481-507, 2020
Fighting cheapfakes: using a digital media literacy intervention to motivate reverse search of out-of-context visual misinformation
S Qian, C Shen, J Zhang
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 28 (1), zmac024, 2023
Beyond personal responsibility: Examining the effects of narrative engagement on communicative and civic actions
Y Sun, TK Lee, S Qian
Journal of Health Communication 24 (6), 603-614, 2019
The Cure Worse Than the Disease? How the Media's Attention to Misinformation Decreases Trust
E Hoes, BC von Hohenberg, T Gessler, M Wojcieszak, S Qian
PsyArXiv, 2022
Convergence or divergence? A cross-platform analysis of climate change visual content categories, features, and social media engagement on Twitter and Instagram
S Qian, Y Lu, Y Peng, CC Shen, H Xu
Public Relations Review 50 (2), 102454, 2024
" That's some positive energy": how social media users respond to# funny science content
MA Cacciatore, SK Yeo, LYF Su, M McKasy, L O'Neill, S Qian
Journal of Science Communication 23 (1), A02, 2024
Elusive Effects of Misinformation and the Media’s Attention To It
BT Data, E Hoes, B Clemm, T Gessler, S Qian, M Wojcieszak
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Incentives in a Digital Media Literacy Intervention for Addressing Out-of-Context Visual Misinformation
S Qian, C Shen, J Zhang, M Wojcieszak
OSF, 2023
Effects of social comparison direction, comparison distance, and message framing on health behavioral intention in online support groups
YZ Malloch, J Zhang, S Qian
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 17 (3), 2023
Elusive Effects of Misinformation and the Media's Attention To It: Evidence from Experimental and Behavioral Trace Data
E Hoes, B Clemm von Hohenberg, T Gessler, M Wojcieszak, S Qian
Statistical Power in Experimental Communication Science: An Assessment of Two Decades’ Research (2001-2020)
Y Sun, L Shen, Z Pan, S Qian
72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2022), 2022
Insta-VAX: A Multimodal Benchmark for Anti-Vaccine and Misinformation Posts Detection on Social Media
M Zhou, M Chakraborti, S Qian, Z Yu, J Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.08470, 2021
“That’s some positive energy:” How social media users respond to# funny science content
L O'Neill, M McKasy, LYF Su, MA Cacciatore, SK Yeo, S Qian
Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2020
Engagement with# Childhoodobesity: An Assessment of Functions and Frames of Tweets
S Qian
The University of Utah, 2020
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