Daniel Halpern
Social media as a catalyst for online deliberation? Exploring the affordances of Facebook and YouTube for political expression
D Halpern, J Gibbs
Computers in human behavior 29 (3), 1159-1168, 2013
The paradox of participation versus misinformation: Social media, political engagement, and the spread of misinformation
S Valenzuela, D Halpern, JE Katz, JP Miranda
Digital Journalism 7 (6), 802-823, 2019
We face, I tweet: How different social media influence political participation through collective and internal efficacy
D Halpern, S Valenzuela, JE Katz
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 22 (6), 320-336, 2017
Social network sites, marriage well-being and divorce: Survey and state-level evidence from the United States
S Valenzuela, D Halpern, JE Katz
Computers in Human Behavior 36, 94-101, 2014
“Selfie-ists” or “Narci-selfiers”?: A cross-lagged panel analysis of selfie taking and narcissism
D Halpern, S Valenzuela, JE Katz
Personality and Individual Differences 97, 98-101, 2016
Texting's consequences for romantic relationships: A cross-lagged analysis highlights its risks
D Halpern, JE Katz
Computers in Human Behavior 71, 386-394, 2017
One step, two step, network step? Complementary perspectives on communication flows in Twittered citizen protests
M Hilbert, J Vásquez, D Halpern, S Valenzuela, E Arriagada
Social science computer review 35 (4), 444-461, 2017
From belief in conspiracy theories to trust in others: Which factors influence exposure, believing and sharing fake news
D Halpern, S Valenzuela, J Katz, JP Miranda
Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Human Behavior and Analytics …, 2019
Attitudes towards robots suitability for various jobs as affected robot appearance
JE Katz, D Halpern
Behaviour & Information Technology 33 (9), 941-953, 2014
Can virtual museums motivate students? toward a constructivist learning approach
DH James E Katz
The online ideal persona vs. the jealousy effect: Two explanations of why selfies are associated with lower-quality romantic relationships
D Halpern, JE Katz, C Carril
Telematics and Informatics 34 (1), 114-123, 2017
Unveiling robotophobia and cyber-dystopianism: The role of gender, technology and religion on attitudes towards robots
D Halpern, JE Katz
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012
Interacciones entre la televisión y su audiencia social: hacia una conceptualización comunicacional
D Halpern, N Quintas-Froufe, F Fernández-Medina
Profesional de la información/Information Professional 25 (3), 367-375, 2016
A downward spiral? A panel study of misinformation and media trust in Chile
S Valenzuela, D Halpern, F Araneda
The International Journal of Press/Politics 27 (2), 353-373, 2022
Factores que influyen en compartir noticias falsas de salud online
C Montero-Liberona, D Halpern
Profesional de la información/Information Professional 28 (3), 2019
Mediación parental y escolar: uso de tecnologías para potenciar el rendimiento escolar
D Halpern Jelin, M Piña, C Ortega Gunckel
Educación XX1: revista de la Facultad de Educación, 2021
Political and developmental correlates of social media participation in government: A global survey of national leadership websites
J Katz, D Halpern
International Journal of Public Administration 36 (1), 1-15, 2013
Gestión de crisis. Teoría y práctica de un modelo comunicacional
D Halpern
RIL editores, 2010
School performance: New multimedia resources versus traditional notes//El rendimiento escolar: Nuevos recursos multimedia frente a los apuntes tradicionales
D Halpern, M Piña, C Ortega-Gunckel
Comunicar 28 (64), 39-48, 2020
From e-government to social network government: towards a transition model
D Halpern, JE Katz
Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, 119-127, 2012
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