Bryan Cochran
Bryan Cochran
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Cultural and contextual influences in mental health help seeking: a focus on ethnic minority youth.
AM Cauce, M Domenech-Rodríguez, M Paradise, BN Cochran, JM Shea, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 70 (1), 44, 2002
Challenges faced by homeless sexual minorities: Comparison of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender homeless adolescents with their heterosexual counterparts
BN Cochran, AJ Stewart, JA Ginzler, AM Cauce
American journal of public health 92 (5), 773-777, 2002
Offsetting risks: High school gay-straight alliances and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth.
NC Heck, A Flentje, BN Cochran
Educational Publishing Foundation 1 (S), 81, 2013
Prospective memory and aging: forgetting intentions over short delays.
GO Einstein, MA McDaniel, M Manzi, B Cochran, M Baker
Psychology and aging 15 (4), 671, 2000
Victimization and posttraumatic stress disorder among homeless adolescents
AJ Stewart, M Steiman, AM Cauce, BN Cochran, LB Whitbeck, DR Hoyt
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 43 (3), 325-331, 2004
Characteristics of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals entering substance abuse treatment
BN Cochran, AM Cauce
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 30 (2), 135-146, 2006
Overcoming the odds? Adolescent development in the context of urban poverty
AM Cauce, A Stewart, MD Rodriguez, B Cochran, J Ginzler
Resilience and vulnerability: Adaptation in the context of childhood …, 2003
Mental health characteristics of sexual minority veterans
BN Cochran, K Balsam, A Flentje, CA Malte, T Simpson
Evolution of Government Policy Towards Homosexuality in the US Military, 289-305, 2016
Treatment choice for PTSD
LA Zoellner, NC Feeny, B Cochran, L Pruitt
Behaviour Research and Therapy 41 (8), 879-886, 2003
Factors predicting development of opioid use disorders among individuals who receive an initial opioid prescription: mathematical modeling using a database of commercially …
BN Cochran, A Flentje, NC Heck, J Van Den Bos, D Perlman, J Torres, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 138, 202-208, 2014
Do specialized services exist for LGBT individuals seeking treatment for substance misuse? A study of available treatment programs
BN Cochran, KM Peavy, JS Robohm
Substance use & misuse 42 (1), 161-176, 2007
Reducing risk for illicit drug use and prescription drug misuse: High school gay-straight alliances and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth
NC Heck, NA Livingston, A Flentje, K Oost, BT Stewart, BN Cochran
Addictive behaviors 39 (4), 824-828, 2014
Ecological momentary assessment of daily discrimination experiences and nicotine, alcohol, and drug use among sexual and gender minority individuals.
NA Livingston, A Flentje, NC Heck, A Szalda-Petree, BN Cochran
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 85 (12), 1131, 2017
Veterans administration health care utilization among sexual minority veterans.
TL Simpson, KF Balsam, BN Cochran, K Lehavot, SD Gold
Psychological services 10 (2), 223, 2013
Substance abuse treatment providers' explicit and implicit attitudes regarding sexual minorities
BN Cochran, KM Peavy, AM Cauce
Journal of Homosexuality 53 (3), 181-207, 2007
Experiences of ex-ex-gay individuals in sexual reorientation therapy: Reasons for seeking treatment, perceived helpfulness and harmfulness of treatment, and post-treatment …
A Flentje, NC Heck, BN Cochran
Journal of Homosexuality 61 (9), 1242-1268, 2014
Therapeutic burnout among borderline personality disordered clients and their therapists: Development and evaluation of two adaptations of the Maslach Burnout Inventory
MM Linehan, BN Cochran, CM Mar, ER Levensky, KA Comtois
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 7 (3), 329-337, 2000
Real-time associations between discrimination and anxious and depressed mood among sexual and gender minorities: The moderating effects of lifetime victimization and identity …
NA Livingston, A Flentje, J Brennan, EH Mereish, O Reed, BN Cochran
Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity 7 (2), 132, 2020
Missing data in substance abuse research? Researchers’ reporting practices of sexual orientation and gender identity
A Flentje, CL Bacca, BN Cochran
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 147, 280-284, 2015
Sexual reorientation therapy interventions: Perspectives of ex-ex-gay individuals
A Flentje, NC Heck, BN Cochran
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health 17 (3), 256-277, 2013
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