Vamsi K Moparthi
Vamsi K Moparthi
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Transcriptional regulation of aquaporins in accessions of Arabidopsis in response to drought stress
E Alexandersson, JÅH Danielson, J Råde, VK Moparthi, M Fontes, ...
The Plant Journal 61 (4), 650-660, 2010
The evolution of respiratory chain complex I from a smaller last common ancestor consisting of 11 protein subunits
VK Moparthi, C Hägerhäll
Journal of molecular evolution 72, 484-497, 2011
Homologous protein subunits from Escherichia coli NADH: quinone oxidoreductase can functionally replace MrpA and MrpD in Bacillus subtilis
VK Moparthi, B Kumar, C Mathiesen, C Hägerhäll
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1807 (4), 427-436, 2011
Functional role of the MrpA-and MrpD-homologous protein subunits in enzyme complexes evolutionary related to respiratory chain complex I
VK Moparthi, B Kumar, Y Al-Eryani, E Sperling, K Górecki, T Drakenberg, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1837 (1), 178-185, 2014
Bioinformatic analysis of the distribution of inorganic carbon transporters and prospective targets for bioengineering to increase Ci uptake by cyanobacteria
SB Gaudana, J Zarzycki, VK Moparthi, CA Kerfeld
Photosynthesis research 126, 99-109, 2015
The two Dps proteins, NpDps2 and NpDps5, are involved in light-induced oxidative stress tolerance in the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme
VK Moparthi, X Li, K Vavitsas, I Dzhygyr, G Sandh, A Magnuson, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1857 (11), 1766-1776, 2016
A cytochrome c fusion protein domain for convenient detection, quantification, and enhanced production of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli—Expression …
T Gustavsson, M Trane, VK Moparthi, E Miklovyte, L Moparthi, K Górecki, ...
Protein Science 19 (8), 1445-1460, 2010
The human TRPA1 intrinsic cold and heat sensitivity involves separate channel structures beyond the N-ARD domain
L Moparthi, V Sinica, VK Moparthi, M Kreir, T Vignane, MR Filipovic, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 6113, 2022
The Dps4 from Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133 is a member of His-type FOC containing Dps protein class that can be broadly found among cyanobacteria
C Howe, VK Moparthi, FM Ho, K Persson, K Stensjö
PLoS One 14 (8), e0218300, 2019
Recruitment of the antiporter module–a key event in Complex I evolution
VK Moparthi, C Hägerhäll
A Structural Perspective on Respiratory Complex I: Structure and Function of …, 2012
Structural diffusion properties of two atypical Dps from the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme disclose interactions with ferredoxins and DNA
VK Moparthi, SB Moparthi, C Howe, P Raleiras, J Wenger, K Stensjö
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1860 (10), 148063, 2019
Structure and function of the C-terminal domain of MrpA in the Bacillus subtilis Mrp-antiporter complex–The evolutionary progenitor of the long horizontal helix in complex I
E Virzintiene, VK Moparthi, Y Al-Eryani, L Shumbe, K Górecki, ...
FEBS letters 587 (20), 3341-3347, 2013
The ion-translocation activities of proteins from the Mrp-antiporter family, evolutionarily related to complex I, analyzed in a Bacillus subtilis model system
E Sperling, VK Moparthi, B Kumar, Y Al-Eryani, E Virzintiene, C Hägerhäll
BBA-Bioenergetics, S61, 2012
The evolution of respiratory chain complex I from an 11-subunit last common ancestor
V Moparthi, C Hägerhäll
16th European Bioenergetics Conference 1797, 20-20, 2010
Structure and function of the C-terminal end of MrpA—The evolutionary progenitor of the long, membrane parallel helix domain in Complex I
E Virzintiene, LT Shumbe, VK Moparthi, Y Al-Eryani, K Gorecki, ...
BBA-Bioenergetics, S62, 2012
The evolution of respiratory chain complex I from smaller functional modules
V Moparthi
Lund University, 2011
Article first published online: 22 JUL 2010| DOI: 10.1002/pro. 452
T Gustavsson, M Trane, VK Moparthi, E Miklovyte, L Moparthi, K Górecki, ...
Protein Science 19 (8), 1445-1600, 2010
Sodium interaction of the complex I antiporter-like subunits NuoL, M and N from Escherichia coli studied by 23Na NMR
K Górecki, T Drakenberg, VK Moparthi, E Miklovyte, M Trane, C Hägerhäll
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1797, 15-16, 2010
14P. 9 Antiporter activity of the individual complex I subunits NuoL, NuoM and NuoN from Escherichia coli analyzed in an in vivo model system
B Kumar, VK Moparthi, C Mathiesen, C Hägerhäll
Antiporter activity of the complex I subunits NuoL, NuoM and NuoN from Escherichia coli analyzed in an in vivo model system
B Kumar, V Moparthi, C Mathiesen, C Hägerhäll
The FEBS Journal 277 (Suppl. 1), 213-213, 2010
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