Ke Chen
Ke Chen
在 nju.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
A reconfigurable active Huygens' metalens
K Chen, Y Feng, F Monticone, J Zhao, B Zhu, T Jiang, L Zhang, Y Kim, ...
Advanced materials 29 (17), 1606422, 2017
Geometric phase coded metasurface: from polarization dependent directive electromagnetic wave scattering to diffusion-like scattering
K Chen, Y Feng, Z Yang, L Cui, J Zhao, B Zhu, T Jiang
Scientific reports 6 (1), 35968, 2016
Ultrathin single layer metasurfaces with ultra‐wideband operation for both transmission and reflection
MR Akram, G Ding, K Chen, Y Feng, W Zhu
Advanced Materials 32 (12), 1907308, 2020
Directional janus metasurface
K Chen, G Ding, G Hu, Z Jin, J Zhao, Y Feng, T Jiang, A Alù, CW Qiu
Advanced Materials 32 (2), 1906352, 2020
Dynamic control of electromagnetic wave propagation with the equivalent principle inspired tunable metasurface
BO Zhu, K Chen, N Jia, L Sun, J Zhao, T Jiang, Y Feng
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4971, 2014
Coding metasurface for broadband microwave scattering reduction with optical transparency
K Chen, L Cui, Y Feng, J Zhao, T Jiang, B Zhu
Optics express 25 (5), 5571-5579, 2017
Dual-helicity decoupled coding metasurface for independent spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion
G Ding, K Chen, X Luo, J Zhao, T Jiang, Y Feng
Physical review applied 11 (4), 044043, 2019
Planar surface plasmonic waveguide devices based on symmetric corrugated thin film structures
X Liu, Y Feng, K Chen, B Zhu, J Zhao, T Jiang
Optics express 22 (17), 20107-20116, 2014
Dynamic scattering steering with graphene‐based coding metamirror
J Zhang, H Zhang, W Yang, K Chen, X Wei, Y Feng, R Jin, W Zhu
Advanced Optical Materials 8 (19), 2000683, 2020
Broadband microwave absorption utilizing water-based metamaterial structures
J Zhao, S Wei, C Wang, K Chen, B Zhu, T Jiang, Y Feng
Optics express 26 (7), 8522-8531, 2018
Active Anisotropic Coding Metasurface with Independent Real‐Time Reconfigurability for Dual Polarized Waves
K Chen, N Zhang, G Ding, J Zhao, T Jiang, Y Feng
Advanced Materials Technologies 5 (2), 1900930, 2020
Programmable coding metasurface for dual-band independent real-time beam control
N Zhang, K Chen, Y Zheng, Q Hu, K Qu, J Zhao, J Wang, Y Feng
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 10 (1 …, 2020
Switchable broadband dual-polarized frequency-selective rasorber/absorber
G Qian, J Zhao, X Ren, K Chen, T Jiang, Y Feng, Y Liu
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 18 (12), 2508-2512, 2019
An intelligent programmable omni‐metasurface
Q Hu, J Zhao, K Chen, K Qu, W Yang, J Zhao, T Jiang, Y Feng
Laser & Photonics Reviews 16 (6), 2100718, 2022
Dynamic control of asymmetric electromagnetic wave transmission by active chiral metamaterial
K Chen, Y Feng, L Cui, J Zhao, T Jiang, B Zhu
Scientific reports 7 (1), 42802, 2017
Optically transparent metasurface Salisbury screen with wideband microwave absorption
T Li, K Chen, G Ding, J Zhao, T Jiang, Y Feng
Optics express 26 (26), 34384-34395, 2018
Metasurface Salisbury screen: achieving ultra-wideband microwave absorption
Z Zhou, K Chen, J Zhao, P Chen, T Jiang, B Zhu, Y Feng, Y Li
Optics Express 25 (24), 30241-30252, 2017
Broadband spin-decoupled metasurface for dual-circularly polarized reflector antenna design
WL Guo, GM Wang, WY Ji, YL Zheng, K Chen, Y Feng
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (5), 3534-3543, 2020
Improving microwave antenna gain and bandwidth with phase compensation metasurface
K Chen, Z Yang, Y Feng, B Zhu, J Zhao, T Jiang
AIP advances 5 (6), 2015
Arbitrary and dynamic poincaré sphere polarization converter with a time‐varying metasurface
Q Hu, K Chen, N Zhang, J Zhao, T Jiang, J Zhao, Y Feng
Advanced Optical Materials 10 (4), 2101915, 2022
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