Núria Rovira
Núria Rovira
maître de conférences en Bioarchéologie, université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3
在 univ-montp3.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Historical biogeography of olive domestication (Olea europaea L.) as revealed by geometrical morphometry applied to biological and archaeological material
JF Terral, N Alonso, RB Capdevila, N Chatti, L Fabre, G Fiorentino, ...
Journal of Biogeography 31 (1), 63-77, 2004
El poblat lacustre neolític de La Draga. Excavacions de 1990 a 1998
A Bosch, J Chinchilla, X Nieto, X Raurich, J Tarrús, A Palomo, A Alvarez, ...
El poblat lacustre neolític de la Draga. Excavacions de 1990 a 1998 …, 2000
Bioarchaeological insights into the process of domestication of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) during Roman times in Southern France
L Bouby, I Figueiral, A Bouchette, N Rovira, S Ivorra, T Lacombe, T Pastor, ...
PLoS One 8 (5), e63195, 2013
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and quality traits of fossil cereal grains provide clues on sustainability at the beginnings of Mediterranean agriculture
M Aguilera, JL Araus, J Voltas, MO Rodríguez‐Ariza, F Molina, N Rovira, ...
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2008
Agricultura y gestión de los recursos vegetales en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica durante la Prehistoria Reciente
N Rovira
Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Barcelona, Spain, 2007
Beginning of viniculture in France
PE McGovern, BP Luley, N Rovira, A Mirzoian, MP Callahan, KE Smith, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (25), 10147-10152, 2013
Les restes vegetals de llavors i fruits
R Buxó, N Rovira, C Saüch
El poblat lacustre neolític de la Draga. Excavacions de 1998, 129-140, 1990
Direct dating reveals the early history of opium poppy in western Europe
A Salavert, A Zazzo, L Martin, F Antolín, C Gauthier, F Thil, O Tombret, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 20263, 2020
A foundation offering at the Roman port of Lattara (Lattes, France): the plant remains
N Rovira, L Chabal
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 17, 191-200, 2008
Back from burn out: are experimentally charred grapevine pips too distorted to be characterized using morphometrics?
L Bouby, V Bonhomme, S Ivorra, T Pastor, N Rovira, M Tillier, C Pagnoux, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 943-954, 2018
Using stable isotopes and functional weed ecology to explore social differences in early urban contexts: The case of Lattara in mediterranean France
R Alagich, A Gardeisen, N Alonso, N Rovira, A Bogaard
Journal of Archaeological Science 93, 135-149, 2018
Gathering and consumption of wild fruits in the east of the Iberian Peninsula from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BC
N Alonso, GP Jordà, N Rovira, DL Reyes
Quaternary International 404, 69-85, 2016
Semillas y frutos arqueológicos del yacimiento calcolítico de Las Pilas (Mojácar, Almería)
NR i Buendia
Complutum 11, 191-208, 2000
Archéobotanique des semences et des fruits de Lattara: bilan des recherches
N Alonso, R Buxó, N Rovira
Gallia, 193-200, 2008
Ressources et économie agricole en France à l’âge du Bronze et au Premier âge du Fer: les données carpologiques
L Bouby, V Zech-Matterne, A Bouchette, M Cabanis, M Derreumaux, ...
L’habitat et L’occupation des Sols à L’âge du Bronze et au Début du Premier …, 2017
Consommation et traitement des produits végétaux à Lattara entre-475 et-350
N Alonso, N Rovira
rue 1 (2), 3, 2010
Tell Halula: arqueobotánica de los restos de semillas y frutos
RB i Capdevila, N Rovira
Tell Halula: un poblado de los primeros agricultores en el valle del …, 2013
The emergence of arboriculture in the 1st millennium BC along the Mediterranean’s “Far West”
G Pérez-Jordà, N Alonso, N Rovira, I Figueiral, D López-Reyes, ...
Agronomy 11 (5), 902, 2021
Recherches sur l’alimentation végétale et l’agriculture du site de Port Ariane: Etude des semences et fruits
N Alonso, R Buxó, N Rovira
Lattara 20, 219-249, 2007
Une nécropole du second Âge du Fer à Ambrussum, Hérault
B Dedet, C Cenzon-Salvayre
Errance, 2012
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