Gert Vanthournout
Gert Vanthournout
AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts
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Teachers' exit decisions: An investigation into the reasons why newly qualified teachers fail to enter the teaching profession or why those who do enter do not continue teaching
K Struyven, G Vanthournout
Teaching and teacher education 43, 37-45, 2014
New assessment modes within project-based education-the stakeholders
V Van den Bergh, D Mortelmans, P Spooren, P Van Petegem, D Gijbels, ...
Studies in educational evaluation 32 (4), 345-368, 2006
Measuring teachers’ perceptions about differentiated instruction: The DI-Quest instrument and model
C Coubergs, K Struyven, G Vanthournout, N Engels
Studies in Educational Evaluation 53, 41-54, 2017
Students′ Persistence and Academic Success in a First‐Year Professional Bachelor Program: The Influence of Students′ Learning Strategies and Academic Motivation
G Vanthournout, D Gijbels, L Coertjens, V Donche, P Van Petegem
Education Research International 2012 (1), 152747, 2012
The development of approaches to learning and perceptions of the teaching-learning environment during bachelor level studies and their relation to study success.
H Asikainen, A Parpala, S Lindblom-Ylänne, G Vanthournout, L Coertjens
Higher Education Studies 4 (4), 24-36, 2014
Changing students' approaches to learning: a two‐year study within a university teacher training course
D Gijbels, L Coertjens, G Vanthournout, E Struyf, P Van Petegem
Educational Studies 35 (5), 503-513, 2009
Assessing students’ development in learning approaches according to initial learning profiles: A person-oriented perspective
G Vanthournout, L Coertjens, D Gijbels, V Donche, P Van Petegem
Studies in Educational Evaluation 39 (1), 33-40, 2013
Understanding individual differences in approaches to learning across courses: A mixed method approach
L Coertjens, G Vanthournout, S Lindblom-Ylänne, L Postareff
Learning and Individual Differences 51, 69-80, 2016
Modeling change in learning strategies throughout higher education: a multi-indicator latent growth perspective
L Coertjens, V Donche, S De Maeyer, G Vanthournout, P Van Petegem
PloS one 8 (7), e67854, 2013
The relationship between workplace climate, motivation and learning approaches for knowledge workers
G Vanthournout, D Noyens, D Gijbels, P Van den Bossche
Vocations and learning 7, 191-214, 2014
Longitudinal measurement invariance of Likert-type learning strategy scales: are we using the same ruler at each wave?
L Coertjens, V Donche, S De Maeyer, G Vanthournout, P Van Petegem
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 30 (6), 577-587, 2012
Further understanding learning in higher education: A systematic review on longitudinal research using Vermunt's learning pattern model
G Vanthournout, V Donche, D Gijbels, P Van Petegem
Style Differences in Cognition, Learning, and Management, 78-96, 2012
Alternative data-analysis techniques in research on student learning: illustrations of a person-oriented and a developmental perspective
G Vanthournout, V Donche, D Gijbels, P Van Petegem
Reflecting education 5 (2), 35-51, 2009
(Dis) similarities in research on learning approaches and learning patterns
G Vanthournout, V Donche, D Gijbels, P Van Petegem
Learning patterns in higher education, 11-32, 2013
To what degree does the missing-data technique influence the estimated growth in learning strategies over time? A tutorial example of sensitivity analysis for longitudinal data
L Coertjens, V Donche, S De Maeyer, G Vanthournout, P Van Petegem
PloS one 12 (9), e0182615, 2017
Providing constructive feedback on learning patterns: an individual learner perspective
V Donche, L Coertjens, G Vanthournout, P Van Petegem
Reflecting education 8 (1), 114-132, 2012
Patterns in student learning: exploring a person-oriented and a longitudinal research-perspective
G Vanthournout
Maklu, 2011
Understanding the direct and indirect relations between motivation to participate, goal orientation and the use of self-regulation strategies during a formal training
G Vanthournout, E Kyndt, D Gijbels, PVD Bossche
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswisssenschaft 18 (1), 89-106, 2014
Analysing change in learning strategies over time: A comparison of three statistical techniques
L Coertjens, T Van Daal, V Donche, S De Maeyer, G Vanthournout, ...
Studies in Educational Evaluation 39 (1), 49-55, 2013
Rethinking the learning and evaluation environment of a veterinary course in gross anatomy: the implementation of an assessment and development center and an e-learning platform
CJ Van Ginneken, G Vanthournout
Journal of veterinary medical education 32 (4), 537-543, 2005
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