Heidi Pertl
Heidi Pertl
在 sbg.ac.at 的电子邮件经过验证
Sucrose-induced receptor kinase SIRK1 regulates a plasma membrane aquaporin in Arabidopsis
XN Wu, CS Rodriguez, H Pertl-Obermeyer, G Obermeyer, WX Schulze
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 12 (10), 2856-2873, 2013
Tannin-based hybrid materials and their applications: A review
AK Koopmann, C Schuster, J Torres-Rodríguez, S Kain, ...
Molecules 25 (21), 4910, 2020
Molecular and physiological characterisation of a 14-3-3 protein from lily pollen grains regulating the activity of the plasma membrane H+ ATPase during pollen …
H Pertl, M Himly, R Gehwolf, R Kriechbaumer, D Strasser, W Michalke, ...
Planta 213, 132-141, 2001
The pollen organelle membrane proteome reveals highly spatial− temporal dynamics during germination and tube growth of lily pollen
H Pertl, WX Schulze, G Obermeyer
Journal of Proteome Research 8 (11), 5142-5152, 2009
Osmoregulation in Lilium Pollen Grains Occurs via Modulation of the Plasma Membrane H+ ATPase Activity by 14-3-3 Proteins
H Pertl, M Pöckl, C Blaschke, G Obermeyer
Plant Physiology 154 (4), 1921-1928, 2010
Pump up the volume - a central role for the plasma membrane H+ pump in pollen germination and tube growth
V Lang, H Pertl-Obermeyer, MJ Safiarian, G Obermeyer
Protoplasma 251, 477-488, 2014
Release of an acid phosphatase activity during lily pollen tube growth involves components of the secretory pathway
H Ibrahim, H Pertl, K Pittertschatscher, E Fadl-Allah, A El-Shahed, ...
Protoplasma 219, 176-183, 2002
Sucrose-induced Receptor Kinase 1 is Modulated by an Interacting Kinase with Short Extracellular Domain*[S]
XN Wu, L Chu, L Xi, H Pertl-Obermeyer, Z Li, K Sklodowski, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 18 (8), 1556-1571, 2019
OEP40, a regulated glucose-permeable β-barrel solute channel in the chloroplast outer envelope membrane
A Harsman, A Schock, B Hemmis, V Wahl, I Jeshen, P Bartsch, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (34), 17848-17860, 2016
Highly efficient single-step enrichment of low abundance phosphopeptides from plant membrane preparations
XN Wu, L Xi, H Pertl-Obermeyer, Z Li, LC Chu, WX Schulze
Frontiers in plant science 8, 1673, 2017
Identification of cargo for adaptor protein (AP) complexes 3 and 4 by sucrose gradient profiling
H Pertl-Obermeyer, XN Wu, J Schrodt, C Müdsam, G Obermeyer, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 15 (9), 2877-2889, 2016
Production of recombinant allergens in plants
G Schmidt, G Gadermaier, H Pertl, M Siegert, KM Oksman-Caldentey, ...
Phytochemistry Reviews 7, 539-552, 2008
In vivo cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry analysis reveals receptor-like kinases and Ca2+ signalling proteins as putative interaction partners of pollen plasma …
H Pertl-Obermeyer, WX Schulze, G Obermeyer
Journal of Proteomics 108, 17-29, 2014
Dissecting the subcellular membrane proteome reveals enrichment of H+ (co-)transporters and vesicle trafficking proteins in acidic zones of Chara internodal cells
H Pertl-Obermeyer, P Lackner, WX Schulze, MC Hoepflinger, ...
PLoS One 13 (8), e0201480, 2018
Quantitation of vacuolar sugar transporter abundance changes using QconCAT synthtetic peptides
H Pertl-Obermeyer, O Trentmann, K Duscha, HE Neuhaus, WX Schulze
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 411, 2016
The distribution of membrane-bound 14-3-3 proteins in organelle-enriched fractions of germinating lily pollen
H Pertl, R Gehwolf, G Obermeyer
Plant Biology 7 (02), 140-147, 2005
First patch, then catch: measuring the activity and the mRNA transcripts of a proton pump in individual Lilium pollen protoplasts 1
R Gehwolf, M Griessner, H Pertl, G Obermeyer
FEBS letters 512 (1-3), 152-156, 2002
Identification of lily pollen 14-3-3 isoforms and their subcellular and time-dependent expression profile
H Pertl, S Rittmann, WX Schulze, G Obermeyer
Walter de Gruyter 392 (3), 249-262, 2011
Nondiffusional release of allergens from pollen grains of Artemisia vulgaris and Lilium longiflorum depends mainly on the type of the allergen
C Hoidn, E Puchner, H Pertl, E Holztrattner, G Obermeyer
International archives of allergy and immunology 137 (1), 27-36, 2005
pH modulates interaction of 14-3-3 proteins with pollen plasma membrane H+ ATPases independently from phosphorylation
H Pertl-Obermeyer, A Gimeno, V Kuchler, E Servili, S Huang, H Fang, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 73 (1), 168-181, 2022
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