Neighborhoods and violent crime: A multilevel study of collective efficacy RJ Sampson, SW Raudenbush, F Earls science 277 (5328), 918-924, 1997 | 15639 | 1997 |
Crime in the making: Pathways and turning points through life RJ Sampson, JH Laub Crime & Delinquency 39 (3), 396-396, 1993 | 8708 | 1993 |
Community structure and crime: Testing social-disorganization theory RJ Sampson, WB Groves American journal of sociology 94 (4), 774-802, 1989 | 6512 | 1989 |
Assessing “neighborhood effects”: Social processes and new directions in research RJ Sampson, JD Morenoff, T Gannon-Rowley Annual review of sociology 28 (1), 443-478, 2002 | 5677 | 2002 |
Shared beginnings, divergent lives: Delinquent boys to age 70 JH Laub, RJ Sampson Harvard University Press, 2006 | 4491 | 2006 |
Great American city: Chicago and the enduring neighborhood effect RJ Sampson University of Chicago press, 2012 | 4391 | 2012 |
Systematic social observation of public spaces: A new look at disorder in urban neighborhoods RJ Sampson, SW Raudenbush American journal of sociology 105 (3), 603-651, 1999 | 3632 | 1999 |
Beyond social capital: Spatial dynamics of collective efficacy for children RJ Sampson, JD Morenoff, F Earls American sociological review 64 (5), 633-660, 1999 | 3018 | 1999 |
Neighborhood inequality, collective efficacy, and the spatial dynamics of urban violence JD Morenoff, RJ Sampson, SW Raudenbush Criminology 39 (3), 517-558, 2001 | 2707 | 2001 |
Toward a theory of race, crime, and urban inequality RJ Sampson, WJ Wilson Race, crime, and justice, 177-189, 2013 | 2516 | 2013 |
Understanding desistance from crime JH Laub, RJ Sampson Crime and justice 28, 1-69, 2001 | 2347 | 2001 |
Seeing disorder: Neighborhood stigma and the social construction of “broken windows” RJ Sampson, SW Raudenbush Social psychology quarterly 67 (4), 319-342, 2004 | 2086 | 2004 |
Legal cynicism and (subcultural?) tolerance of deviance: The neighborhood context of racial differences RJ Sampson, DJ Bartusch Law and society review, 777-804, 1998 | 1933 | 1998 |
Crime and deviance over the life course: The salience of adult social bonds RJ Sampson, JH Laub American sociological review, 609-627, 1990 | 1732 | 1990 |
Life-course desisters? Trajectories of crime among delinquent boys followed to age 70 RJ Sampson, JH Laub Developmental and Life-Course Criminological Theories, 37-74, 2017 | 1696 | 2017 |
Trajectories of change in criminal offending: Good marriages and the desistance process JH Laub, DS Nagin, RJ Sampson The termination of criminal careers, 433-446, 2017 | 1670 | 2017 |
Turning points in the life course: Why change matters to the study of crime JH Laub, RJ Sampson Criminology 31 (3), 301-325, 1993 | 1576 | 1993 |
A life-course view of the development of crime RJ Sampson, JH Laub Developmental and Life-course Criminological Theories, 329-362, 2017 | 1552 | 2017 |
A life-course theory of cumulative disadvantage and the stability of delinquency RJ Sampson, JH Laub Developmental theories of crime and delinquency 7, 133-161, 1997 | 1521 | 1997 |
Urban black violence: The effect of male joblessness and family disruption RJ Sampson American journal of Sociology 93 (2), 348-382, 1987 | 1470 | 1987 |