Tiago Balen
Tiago Balen
在 ufrgs.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Fault detection, diagnosis and prediction in electrical valves using self-organizing maps
LF Gonçalves, JL Bosa, TR Balen, MS Lubaszewski, EL Schneider, ...
Journal of Electronic Testing 27, 551-564, 2011
Applying the oscillation test strategy to FPAA’s configurable analog blocks
TR Balen, AQ Andrade, F AzaÏs, M Lubaszewski, M Renovell
Journal of Electronic Testing 21, 135-146, 2005
Built-in self-test of field programmable analog arrays based on transient response analysis
TR Balen, JV Calvano, MS Lubaszewski, M Renovell
Journal of Electronic Testing 23, 497-512, 2007
A self-checking scheme to mitigate single event upset effects in SRAM-based FPAAs
TR Balen, F Leite, FL Kastensmidt, M Lubaszewski
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 56 (4), 1950-1957, 2009
Using bulk built-in current sensors and recomputing techniques to mitigate transient faults in microprocessors
F Leite, T Balen, M Herve, M Lubaszewski, G Wirth
2009 10th Latin American Test Workshop, 1-6, 2009
Functional test of field programmable analog arrays
TR Balen, JV Calvano, MS Lubaszewski, M Renovelf
24th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, 6 pp.-333, 2006
Built-in self-test of global interconnects of field programmable analog arrays
A Andrade Jr, G Vieira, TR Balen, M Lubaszewski, F Azaïs, M Renovell
Microelectronics Journal 36 (12), 1112-1123, 2005
Testing the interconnect networks and I/O resources of field programmable analog arrays
G Pereira, M Lubaszewski, A Andrade, TR Balen, F Azaïs, M Renovell
23rd IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS'05), 389-394, 2005
Exploring design diversity redundancy to improve resilience in mixed-signal systems
CP Chenet, LA Tambara, GM de Borges, F Kastensmidt, MS Lubaszewski, ...
microelectronics Reliability 55 (12), 2833-2844, 2015
Testing the configurable analog blocks of field programmable analog arrays
T Balen, A Andrade, F Azaïs, M Lubaszewski, M Renovell
2004 International Conferce on Test, 893-902, 2004
Single event transient effects on charge redistribution SAR ADCs
TE Becker, AJC Lanot, GS Cardoso, TR Balen
Microelectronics Reliability 73, 22-35, 2017
An approach to the built-in self-test of field programmable analog arrays
T Balen, A Andrade, F Azaïs, M Lubaszewski, M Renovell
22nd IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, 2004. Proceedings., 383-388, 2004
Analyzing the behavior of FinFET SRAMs with resistive defects
TS Copetti, TR Balen, GC Medeiros, LMB Poehls
2017 IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration …, 2017
Reliability Analysis of 0.5 μm CMOS Operational Amplifiers under TID Effects
GS Cardoso, TR Balen, MS Lubaszewski, OL Gonçalez
Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems 9 (1), 70-79, 2014
Analysis of the effects of single event transients on an sar-adc based on charge redistribution
AJC Lanot, TR Balen
2014 15th Latin American Test Workshop-LATW, 1-5, 2014
Low-voltage dynamic comparator using positive feedback bulk effect on a floating inverter amplifier
B Canal, HD Klimach, S Bampi, TR Balen
Analog integrated circuits and signal processing 108 (3), 511-524, 2021
TID effects on a data acquisition system with design diversity redundancy
CJ Gonzalez, RG Vaz, MB Oliveira, VW Leorato, OL Goncalez, TR Balen
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (1), 583-590, 2017
Neutron-induced single event effects analysis in a SAR-ADC architecture embedded in a mixed-signal SoC
L Tambara, F Kastensmidt, P Rech, T Balen, M Lubaszewski
2013 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 188-193, 2013
Reducing soft error rate of SoCs analog-to-digital interfaces with design diversity redundancy
CJ González, N Added, ELA Macchione, VAP Aguiar, FGL Kastensmidt, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 67 (3), 518-524, 2019
Radiation effects in low power and ultra-low power voltage references
D Fusco, TR Balen
Journal of Low Power Electronics 12 (4), 403-412, 2016
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