Nor Surayahani Suriani
Nor Surayahani Suriani
在 uthm.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Sudden event recognition: A survey
NS Suriani, A Hussain, MA Zulkifley
Sensors 13 (8), 9966-9998, 2013
Investigation of white blood cell biomaker model for acute lymphoblastic leukemia detection based on convolutional neural network
SNM Safuan, MRM Tomari, WNW Zakaria, MNH Mohd, NS Suriani
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (2), 611-618, 2020
Optimal accelerometer placement for fall detection of rehabilitation patients
NS Suriani, FAN Rashid, NY Yunos
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 10 …, 2018
Sudden fall classification using motion features
NS Suriani, A Hussain
2012 IEEE 8th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its …, 2012
Performance comparison of pre-trained residual networks for classification of the whole mammograms with smaller dataset
S Bagchi, MNH Mohd, SK Debnath, M Nafea, NS Suriani, Y Nizam
2020 IEEE student conference on research and development (SCOReD), 368-373, 2020
Kinect-based physiotherapy and assessment: A comprehensive
FAN Rashid, NS Suriani, A Nazari
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 11 (3 …, 2018
Computer aided system (CAS) of lymphoblast classification for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) detection using various pre-trained models
SNM Safuan, MRM Tomari, WNW Zakaria, N Othman, NS Suriani
2020 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 411-415, 2020
A non-invasive and non-wearable food intake monitoring system based on depth sensor
MF Kassim, MNH Mohd, MRM Tomari, NS Suriani, WNW Zakaria, S Sari
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (6), 2342-2349, 2020
Smartphone sensor accelerometer data for human activity recognition using spiking neural network
NS Suriani, FAN Rashid
Int. J. Machine Learn. Comput 11, 298-303, 2021
Facial video based heart rate estimation for physical exercise
NS Suriani, NA Jumain, AA Ali, NH Mohd
2021 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA), 1-5, 2021
Deep convolutional network approach in spike train analysis of physiotherapy movements
FAN Rashid, NS Suriani, MN Mohd, MR Tomari, WNW Zakaria, A Nazari
Advances in Electronics Engineering: Proceedings of the ICCEE 2019, Kuala …, 2020
Human activity recognition based on optimal skeleton joints using convolutional neural network
S Suriani, S Noor, F Ahmad, R Tomari, W Nurshazwani, W Wan Zakaria, ...
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 7, 48-57, 2018
Glaucoma detection of retinal images based on boundary segmentation
NA Zainudin, A Nazari, MM Mustafa, WNW Zakaria, NS Suriani, ...
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 18 (1 …, 2020
Multi-agent event detection system using k-nearest neighbor classifier
NS Suriani, A Hussain, MA Zulkifley
2014 International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications …, 2014
Non-contact facial based vital sign estimation using convolutional neural network approach
NS Suriani, NS Shahdan, NM Sahar, NSAM Taujuddin
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 13 (5), 2022
Retina blood vessel extraction based on Kirsch's template method
NS Zolkifli, A Nazari, MM Mustafa, WNW Zakaria, NS Suriani, W Kairuddin
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS …, 2020
Computer aided system for lymphoblast classification to detectacute lymphoblastic leukemia
SNM Safuan, MRM Tomari, WNW Zakaria, MNH Mohd, NS Suriani
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 14 (2 …, 2019
Fall detection using visual cortex bio-inspired model for home-based physiotherapy system
NS Suriani
Advances in Machine Learning and Signal Processing: Proceedings of MALSIP …, 2016
IoT-based system for COVID-19 indoor safety monitoring
NM Ali, NS Suriani
Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2 (2), 330-338, 2021
Vision based traffic control for intelligence ambulance detection system
OW Yang, NS Suriani
Evolution in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1 (1), 333-341, 2020
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