V Prihananto Unsoed
V Prihananto Unsoed
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Formulation and characterization of emergency food based on instan corn flour supplemented by instan tempeh (or soybean) flour.
N Aini, V Prihananto, G Wijonarko, B Sustriawan, M Dinayati, F Aprianti
International Food Research Journal 25 (1), 2018
Karakteristik kurva isotherm sorpsi air tepung jagung instan
N Aini, V Prihananto, G Wijonarko
Agritech 34 (1), 50-58, 2014
The quality of corn milk-based cheese analogue made with virgin coconut oil as a fat substitute and with various emulsifiers
N Aini, J Sumarmono, B Sustriawan, V Prihananto, E Priscillia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 443 (1), 012039, 2020
Pengaruh pemberian makanan tambahan terhadap konsumsi energi dan protein ibu hamil
V Prihananto, A Sulaeman, H Riyadi, NHS Palupi
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 2 (1), 16-21, 2007
CHARACTERISTICS OF WHITE CORN NOODLE SUBSTITUED BY TEMPEH FLOUR [Karakteristik Mi Jagung Putih dengan Substitusi Tepung Tempe]
N Aini, V Prihananto, SJ Munarso
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 23 (2), 179-179, 2012
Characteristics of cheese analogue from corn extract added by papain and pineapple extract
N Aini, B Sustriawan, V Prihananto, T Heryanti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 255 (1), 012016, 2019
Effect of Culture Concentration and Sweet Potato Prebiotic to the Properties of Sweet Corn Juice Probiotic
N Aini, V Prihananto, G Wijonarko, A Arimah, M Syaifudin
Quality evaluation of polypropylene packaged corn yogurt during storage
N Aini, V Prihananto, B Sustriawan, Y Astuti, MR Maulina
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 102 (1), 012049, 2018
Formulation of low-fat cheese analogue from sweet corn extract using papain and lime extract as coagulant
N Aini, B Sustriawan, V Prihananto
Food Research 4 (4), 1071-1081, 2020
Quality deterioration and shelf life estimation of corn yogurt was packaged by glass bottle
N Aini, V Prihananto, G Wijonarko, Y Astuti, MR Maulina
Advanced Science Letters 23 (6), 5796-5798, 2017
Estimation of the shelf-life of corn yoghurt packaged in polyethene terephthalate using the accelerated shelf-life method
N Aini, B Sustriawan, MMR Muthmainah, V Prihananto, G Wijonarko
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2021
The effect of addition of whey protein concentrate and emulsifier on characteristics of cheddar cheese analogue from corn milk
J Sumarmono, B Sustriawan, N Aini, V Prihananto, A Widiastuti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 653 (1), 012127, 2021
The effect of packaging type and storage temperature on the characteristics of cheese spread analogues from corn extract
N Aini, B Sustriawan, J Sumarmono, V Prihananto, TP Atmajayanti
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 406 (1), 012017, 2019
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Kultur Dan Prebiotik Ubi Jalar Terhadap Sifat Sari Jagung Manis Probiotik. Agritech, 37 (2), 165
N Aini, V Prihananto, G Wijonarko, A Arimah, M Syaifudin
Pengaruh konsentrasi kultur dan prebiotik ubi jalar terhadap sifat sari jagung manis probiotik
N Aini, V Prihananto, G Wijonarko, A Arimah, M Syaifudin
agriTECH 37 (2), 165-172, 2017
Pengaruh Pangan Fortifikasi Multi Gizi Mikro terhadap Status Gizi Ibu Hamil dan Berat Bayi Lahir
V Prihananto
Disertasi. Bogor: Sekolah Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2007
Atribut Prioritas untuk Perbaikan Mutu Produk Koktail Carica CV XYZ Berdasarkan Tingkat Kepuasan dan Kepentingan Konsumen
E Mela, V Prihananto, AS Raharjaningtyas
Agrin 24 (2), 137-147, 2021
Pengaruh perendaman jagung dan substitusi tepung tempe terhadap nilai gizi dan sifat sensoris beras jagung instan
N Aini, V Prihananto, SJ Munarso
Jurnal Agroteknologi 5 (02), 71-82, 2011
The effect of feeding antioxidant rich coffee on glucose blood response, MDA and SOD on diabetic rats induced with streptozotocin
H Dwiyanti, R Setyawati, V Prihananto, D Krisnansari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 653 (1), 012147, 2021
The Effect of Mungbeans and Skim Milk Concentration on The Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Corn Milk
B Sustriawan, N Aini, V Prihananto, Y Hardika
Indonesian Journal of Food Technology 3 (1), 40-52, 2024
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