niazali Ebrahimipak
niazali Ebrahimipak
Associate Professor
在 swri.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
An improved estimation of the Angstrom–Prescott radiation coefficients for the FAO56 Penman–Monteith evapotranspiration method
AA Sabziparvar, R Mousavi, S Marofi, NA Ebrahimipak, M Heidari
Water Resources Management 27, 2839-2854, 2013
Evaluation and improvement of crop production functions for simulation winter wheat yields with two types of yield response factors
A Tafteh, H Babazadeh, NA EbrahimiPak, F Kaveh
Journal of Agricultural Science 5 (3), 111-122, 2013
Evaluation of AquaCrop, WOFOST, and CropSyst to simulate rapeseed yield
N Ebrahimipak, A Egdernezhad, A Tafteh, M Ahmadee
Iranian Journal of Irrigation & Drainage 13 (3), 715-726, 2019
Evaluation of AquaCrop to simulate saffron (crocus sativus l.) yield under different water management scenarios and zeolite amounts
N Ebrahimipak, M Ahmadee, A Egdernezhad, A Khashei Suiki
Journal of Soil and Water Resources Conservation 8 (1), 117-132, 2018
Canola irrigation scheduling using AquaCrop model in Qazvin Plain
A Egdernezhad, NA EbrahimiPak, A Tafteh, M Ahmadee
Water Management in Agriculture 5 (2), 53-64, 2019
Optimization of irrigation water distribution using the MGA method and comparison with a linear programming method
A Tafteh, H Babazadeh, NA Ebrahimipak, F Kaveh
Irrigation and drainage 63 (5), 590-598, 2014
The effects of different irrigation levels on grain yield and yield components of four chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.) in Mashhad climatic condition
S Anjamshoaa, H Moeinrad, H Ebrahimi
Iranian Journal Pulses Research 2 (2), 2012
Calibration of the Angström-Prescott solar radiation model for accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration in the absence of observed solar radiation
R Mousavi, AA Sabziparvar, S Marofi, N Ebrahimipak, M Heydari
Theoretical and applied climatology 119 (1-2), 43-54, 2015
Evaluation of three wind speed approaches in temperature-based ET0 equations: a case study in Serbia
S Trajkovic, M Gocic
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (1), 35, 2021
Sustainable optimization of regional agricultural water use by developing a two-level optimization model
F Shirshahi, H Babazadeh, N EbrahimiPak, M Khaledian
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13 (4), 1-12, 2020
Design of Integrated Infrastructure Development in Poncokusumo Agropolitan Region-Malang, Indonesia
AT Subadyo, D Poerwoningsih
Ecology: environtment & conservation 23 (1), 63-70, 2017
Calibration and assessment of AquaCrop model for managing the quantity and time of applying wheat deficit irrigation
F Shirshahi, H Babazadeh, N Ebrahimipak, Y Zeraatkish
Irrigation Sciences and Engineering 41 (1), 31-44, 2018
The challenge of reference evapotranspiration between the WaPOR dataset and geostatistical methods
R Barideh, V Shadman, N Ebrahimipak, N Davatgar
irrigation and drainage 71 (3), 12, 2022
Determine yield response factors of important crops by different production functions in Qazvin Plain
A Tafteh, H Babazadeh, NA EbrahimiPak, F Kaveh
Ecology, Environment and Conservation 20, 415-422, 2014
Handbook of Irrigation System Selection for Semi-arid Regions
M Albaji, S Eslamian, AA Naseri, F Eslamian
CRC Press 1, 325, 2020
Regression Analysis for Yield Comparison of saffron as affected by physicochemical properties of the soil, case study in Northeast of Iran
MR Khalili, ME Asadi, AM Torkashvand, E Pazira
Agricultural Research 9, 568-576, 2020
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and deficit irrigation on quantitative and qualitative traits of sugar beet.
M Jovzi, HZ Abyaneh
Evaluation of irrigation water management and boron fertilizer to increase water use efficiency of sugar beet
N Ebrahimipak
Journal of Water Management and Irrigation 2 (2), 53-67, 2013
Effect of Continuous and Intermittent Irrigation Methods in Rice (CV. Koohrang) Yield [2011]
B Haghighati, S Jafarzadeh, M Farzan, N EbrahimiPak
Soil and Water Reaserch Institute, 2011
Estimating reference evapotranspiration for water-limited windy areas under data scarcity
M Nouri, NA Ebrahimipak, SN Hosseini
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 150 (1), 593-611, 2022
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