Dorel Micle
Dorel Micle
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The earth works from Corneşti–“Iarcuri”(Orţişoara village, Timiş county) in the light of recent field research
D Micle, L Măruia, L Dorogostaisky
Analele Banatului SN 14 (1), 283-305, 2006
Introducere în arheologia informatizată
G Lazarovici, D Micle
Universităţea de Vest din Timişoara, 2001
Archaeological heritage between natural hazard and anthropic destruction: the negative impact of social non-involvement in the protection of archaeological sites
D Micle
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 163, 269-278, 2014
ArheoGis: baza de date a patrimoniului arheologic cuprins în Lista Monumentelor Istorice a judeţului Timiş: rezultatele cercetărilor de teren
L Măruia, A Cîntar, L Bolcu, M Ardelean, D Micle, A Stavilă, O Borlea
BioFlux, 2011
The morpho-topographic and cartographic analysis of the archaeological site Cornesti" Iarcuri", Timis County, Romania, using computer sciences methods (GIS and Remote Sensing …
D Micle, M Torok-Oance, L Maruia
arXiv preprint arXiv:0906.1644, 2009
Introducere în arheologia informatizată
L Gh, D Micle
Timișoara: Ed. Universitatea de Vest, 2001
The morpho-topographic and cartographic analysis using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques of the archaeological site Cornesti “Iarcuri”, Timis County, Romania
D Micle, M Török-Oance, L Măruia
Proceedings of the Advances on Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural …, 2008
Un model practic de aplicare a topografiei şi cartografiei arheologice în analiza spaţială a habitatului rural post-roman din Dacia de sud-vest între sfârşitul secolului al II …
D Micle
Excelsior Art, 2011
Archaeological geomorphometry and geomorphography. Case study on Cucuteni-an sites from Ruginoasta and Scânteia, Iași County, Romania
D Micle, L Măruia, M Török-Oance, G Lazarovici, CM Lazarovici Mantu, ...
Annales d'Université" Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d …, 2010
An ancient mesiodens investigated by cone beam CT
LM Beschiu, BA Craiovan, S Popa, D Micle, LC Ardelean, LC Rusu
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11703, 2021
Geangoeşti-Hulă, Romania: A Gumelniţa settlement on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. Non-invasive research results
D Micle, A Stavilă
Annales d'Université" Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d …, 2014
The Situation of the Archaeological Findings in the Area of Cenad (Timiş County) in the Context of Debates on the Cultural Role of this Political, Administrative and Religious …
D Micle
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 71, 206-215, 2013
Comparative thermal and hyphenated analysis of different mortars samples from Deva region
G Vlase, D Vlase, IV Ferencz, P Sfîrloagă, D Micle, F Manea, T Vlase
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147 (9), 5365-5376, 2022
Unip-Dealu Cetăţuica: rezultatele cercetărlor arheologice desfăşurate între anii 2009-2015
LI Măruia, D Micle, A Stavilă, C Floca
Editura Mega, 2019
The Turkish Baths Of Timisoara: A Novel Archaeological Monument In the Context Of Rehabilitating the City's Historical Centre.
D Micle, M Balaci, C Timoc
Transylvanian Review 26, 2017
Arheologia-o ştiinţă pluridisciplinară: metode clasice şi moderne de lucru
A Bejan, D Micle
Excelsior Art, 2006
The Times before Fischer’s Furniture Store. The Preventive Archaeological Researches in Sfântul Gheorghe Square 2–3, Timișoara (Timiş County)
D Micle, BA Craiovan, A Stavilă, OC Rogozea
Cenadul în contextul geografiei istorice. O analiză a evoluției condițiilor de habitat
D Micle
Cenad in the context of geographical history. An analysis of the evolution …, 2016
The Dacian Ritual Pits From Unip–“Dealu Cetăţuica”
A Berzovan, D Micle, A Stavilă, C Floca, O Rogozea
Mousaios” XIX, Buzău, 11-32, 2014
Arheogis: un sistem integrat de manageriere a patrimoniului arheologic naţional
D Micle, LI Măruia, A Stavilă
Excelsior Art, 2012
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