Thormod Idsoe
Thormod Idsoe
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Aggression and bullying
E Roland, T Idsøe
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2001
Post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of bullying at work and at school. A literature review and meta-analysis
MB Nielsen, T Tangen, T Idsoe, SB Matthiesen, N Magerøy
Aggression and violent behavior 21, 17-24, 2015
Bullying and PTSD symptoms
T Idsoe, A Dyregrov, EC Idsoe
Journal of abnormal child psychology 40, 901-911, 2012
The role of social support in the acculturation and mental health of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers
B Oppedal, T Idsoe
Scandinavian journal of psychology 56 (2), 203-211, 2015
School‐based intervention programs for PTSD symptoms: A review and meta‐analysis
ES Rolfsnes, T Idsoe
Journal of Traumatic Stress 24 (2), 155-165, 2011
Effects of a group-based counselling programme on diabetes-related stress, coping, psychological well-being and metabolic control in adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
B Karlsen, T Idsoe, I Dirdal, BR Hanestad, E Bru
Patient Education and Counseling 53 (3), 299-308, 2004
Resilience and acculturation among unaccompanied refugee minors
S Keles, O Friborg, T Idsøe, S Sirin, B Oppedal
International journal of behavioral development 42 (1), 52-63, 2018
Depression among unaccompanied minor refugees: the relative contribution of general and acculturation-specific daily hassles
S Keles, O Friborg, T Idsøe, S Sirin, B Oppedal
Ethnicity & health 21 (3), 300-317, 2016
Teachers’ perceptions of their role facing children in grief
A Dyregrov, K Dyregrov, T Idsoe
Emotional and behavioural difficulties 18 (2), 125-134, 2013
Perceptions of support, diabetes-related coping and psychological well-being in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
B Karlsen, T Idsoe, BR Hanestad, T Murberg, E Bru
Psychology, Health & Medicine 9 (1), 53-70, 2004
Classroom social structure and motivational climates: On the influence of teachers' involvement, teachers' autonomy support and regulation in relation to motivational climates …
T Stornes, E Bru, T Idsoe
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 52 (3), 315-329, 2008
A meta-analysis of group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interventions for adolescents with depression
S Keles, T Idsoe
Journal of adolescence 67, 129-139, 2018
Bullying victimization and trauma
T Idsoe, T Vaillancourt, A Dyregrov, KA Hagen, T Ogden, A Nærde
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 480353, 2021
Perceived socio‐economic status and social inclusion in school: Interactions of disadvantages
J Veland, UV Midthassel, T Idsoe
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 53 (6), 515-531, 2009
Social psychological processes in family and school: More evidence on their relative etiological significance for bullying behavior
T Idsoe, E Solli, EM Cosmovici
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2008
Depression and school engagement among Norwegian upper secondary vocational school students
M Garvik, T Idsoe, E Bru
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 58 (5), 592-608, 2014
Conduct problems and depression among unaccompanied refugees: the association with pre-migration trauma and acculturation
B Oppedal, T Idsoe
Anales de psicología 28 (3), 683-694, 2012
Perceived teacher support and intentions to quit upper secondary school: Direct, and indirect associations via emotional engagement and boredom
MS Tvedt, E Bru, T Idsoe
Scandinavian journal of educational research 65 (1), 101-122, 2021
The longitudinal relation between daily hassles and depressive symptoms among unaccompanied refugees in Norway
S Keles, T Idsøe, O Friborg, S Sirin, B Oppedal
Journal of abnormal child psychology 45, 1413-1427, 2017
Direct and indirect pathways from children’s early self-regulation to academic achievement in fifth grade in Norway
R Lenes, MM McClelland, D ten Braak, T Idsøe, I Størksen
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 53, 612-624, 2020
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