Marie-Anne Sallandre
Marie-Anne Sallandre
Full Professor, Université Paris 8 & CNRS UMR Structures Formelles du Langage
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Iconicity and arbitrariness in French Sign Language: Highly iconic structures, degenerated iconicity and diagrammatic iconicity
C Cuxac, MA Sallandre
Empirical approaches to language typology 36, 13, 2007
Simultaneity in French sign language discourse
M Sallandre
Vermeerbergen, Leeson, and Crasborn (eds.): Simultaneity in Signed Languages …, 2007
Deixis, anaphora and highly iconic structures: Cross-linguistic evidence on American (ASL), French (LSF) and Italian (LIS) signed languages
EA Pizzuto, P Rossini, MA Sallandre, E Wilkinson
TISLR9, 475-495, 2006
Iconicity in Sign Language: a theoretical and methodological point of view
MA Sallandre, C Cuxac
Lecture notes in computer science, 173-180, 2002
Va et vient de l’iconicité en langue des signes française
MA Sallandre
Acquisition et interaction en langue étrangère, 2001
Reference resolution in French Sign Language (LSF)
B Garcia, MA Sallandre
Crosslinguistic studies on noun phrase structure and reference, 316-364, 2014
Gestualité humaine et langues des signes: entre continuum et variations
D Boutet, MA Sallandre, I Fusellier-Souza
Langage et société, 55-74, 2010
Contribution of the Semiological Approach to Deixis–Anaphora in Sign Language: The Key Role of Eye-Gaze.
BGMA Sallandre
Frontiers in Psychology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.58376, 2020
Transcription systems for sign languages: a sketch of the different graphical representations of sign language and their characteristics
B Garcia, MA Sallandre
Handbook" Body-Language-Communication", 1125-1338, 2013
Iconicity and space in french sign language
MA Sallandre
Space in Languages, 239-255, 2006
Les unités du discours en Langue des Signes Française
MA Sallandre
Tentative de Catégorisation dans le cadre d’une Grammaire de l’Iconnicité, 2003
Compositionnalité des unités sémantiques en langues des signes. Perspective typologique et développementale.
MA Sallandre
Université Paris 8, 2014
The Creagest Project: a digitized and annotated corpus for French sign language (LSF) and natural gestural languages
A Balvet, C Courtin, D Boutet, C Cuxac, I Fusellier-Souza, B Garcia, ...
LREC 2010, 2010
Iconicité des langues des signes et catégorisations
C Cuxac, I Fusellier-Souza, MA Sallandre
Sémiotiques 16, 143-166, 1999
Corpus ls-colin
C Cuxac, A Braffort, A Choisier, C Collet, P Dalle, I Fusellier, G Jirou, ...
Projet ACI Cognitique Langage et Cognition. http://cocoon. tge-adonis. fr …, 2002
Epistemological issues in the semiological model for the annotation of sign language
MA Sallandre, B Garcia
Sign Language research, uses and practices, Crossing views on theoretical …, 2013
La struttura del discorso segnato: dati sulla LIS, l'ASL e la LSF, e nuove prospettive nel quadro di una grammatica dell'iconicità
E Antinoro Pizzuto, P Rossini, MA Sallandre, E Wilkinson
I Segni parlano: prospettive di ricerca sulla Lingua dei Segni italiana …, 2008
Mouth features as non-manual cues for the categorization of lexical and productive signs in French Sign Language (LSF)
A Balvet, MA Sallandre
LREC 2014, 6th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign …, 2014
Projet LS-COLIN. Quel outil de notation pour quelle analyse de la LS
A Braffort, A Choisier, C Collet, C Cuxac, P Dalle, I Fusellier, R Gherbi, ...
Journées Recherches sur la langue des signes. UTM, Le Mirail, Toulouse, 2001
Simultaneity in Signed Languages
MA Sallandre, M Vermeerbergem, L Leeson, O Crasborn
John Benjamins, 2007
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