Nicolas Ottone
Nicolas Ottone
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Walter Thiel's Embalming Method. Review of Solutions and Applications in Different Fields of Biomedical Research.
N Ernesto Ottone, CA Vargas, R Fuentes, M del Sol
International Journal of Morphology 34 (4), 2016
New contributions to the development of a plastination technique at room temperature with silicone
NE Ottone, V Cirigliano, HF Bianchi, CD Medan, RD Algieri, ...
Anatomical science international 90, 126-135, 2015
Irrigación e inervación de la articulación temporomandibular: Una Revisión de la Literatura
R Fuentes, NE Ottone, D Saravia, C Bucchi
International Journal of Morphology 34 (3), 1024-1033, 2016
E12 sheet plastination: Techniques and applications
NE Ottone, CAC Baptista, R Latorre, HF Bianchi, M Del Sol, R Fuentes
Clinical Anatomy 31 (5), 742-756, 2018
Plastination Technique in laboratory rats: An alternative resource for teaching, surgical training and research development.
NE Ottone, V Cirigliano, M Lewicki, HF Bianchi, S Aja-Guardiola, ...
International Journal of Morphology 32 (4), 2014
Pruebas estadísticas utilizadas en revistas odontológicas de la red SciELO
P Navarro, NE Ottone, C Acevedo, M Cantín
Avances en odontoestomatología 33 (1), 25-32, 2017
Analysis and clinical importance of superficial arterial palmar irrigation and its variants over 86 cases
NE Ottone, N Prum, M Dominguez, E Blasi, C Medan, S Shinzato, ...
Int J Morphol 28 (1), 157-64, 2010
Anatomía quirúrgica y radiológica del hígado. Fundamentos para las resecciones hepáticas
C Manterola, M del Sol, N Ottone, T Otzen
International Journal of Morphology 35 (4), 1525-1539, 2017
Report on a sheet plastination technique using commercial epoxy resin
NE Ottone, M del Sol, R Fuentes
Int. J. Morphol 34 (3), 1039-43, 2016
Evaluation of validity and reliability of a methodology for measuring human postural attitude and its relation to temporomandibular joint disorders
RF Fernández, P Carter, S Muñoz, H Silva, GHO Venegas, M Cantin, ...
Singapore medical journal 57 (4), 204, 2016
The morphology and clinical importance of the axillary arch
VH Bertone, NE Ottone, ML Tartaro, NG de Quirós, M Dominguez, ...
Folia Morphologica 67 (4), 261-266, 2008
Caracterización de los componentes óseos de la articulación temporomandibular: una revisión de la literatura
R Fuentes, M Cantín, NE Ottone, C Bucchi
International Journal of Morphology 33 (4), 1569-1576, 2015
Epoxy Sheet Plastination on a Rabbit Head-New Faster Protocol with Biodur® E12/E1.
NE Ottone, CA Vargas, C Veuthey, M Sol, R Fuentes
International Journal of Morphology 36 (2), 2018
Determination of mandibular border and functional movement protocols using an electromagnetic articulograph (EMA)
R Fuentes, P Navarro, A Curiqueo, NE Ottone
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 8 (11), 19905, 2015
Analysis of the morphometric characteristics of the cervical spine and its association with the development of temporomandibular disorders
HF Flores, NE Ottone, R Fuentes
CRANIO® 35 (2), 79-85, 2017
Análisis de los términos utilizados en la literatura científica para referirse a la cápsula articular y ligamentos articulares de la articulación temporomandibular
R Fuentes, NE Ottone, C Bucchi, M Cantín
International Journal of Morphology 34 (1), 342-350, 2016
Morfometría de premolares mandibulares en radiografías panorámicas digitales; análisis de curvaturas radiculares
R Fuentes, A Arias, P Navarro, N Ottone, C Bucchi
International Journal of Morphology 33 (2), 476-482, 2015
Injection in temporomandibular joint of rats. Description of technical protocol
R Fuentes, C Veuthey, A Arias, D Saravia, NE Ottone
Polish journal of veterinary sciences 20 (2), 2017
Diseños de investigación utilizados en revistas odontológicas de la red SciELO: Una visión bibliométrica
P Navarro, M Cantín, NE Ottone
Avances en Odontoestomatología 32 (3), 153-158, 2016
Arterias hepáticas aberrantes: estudio en 64 cadáveres disecados
NE Ottone, A Arrotea Molina, ML Domínguez, M Lo Tartaro, ...
International Journal of Morphology 24 (4), 581-585, 2006
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