Hauke A. Wetzel
Hauke A. Wetzel
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Gratitude versus entitlement: A dual process model of the profitability implications of customer prioritization
HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt, AR Zablah
Journal of Marketing 78 (2), 1-19, 2014
Can doing good lead to doing poorly? Firm value implications of CSR in the face of CSI
I Lenz, HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 677-697, 2017
Leveraging marketer-generated appeals in online brand communities: An individual user-level analysis
WH Weiger, HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of Service Management 28 (1), 133-156, 2017
Don’t you dare push me: how persuasive social media tactics shape customer engagement
WH Weiger, M Hammerschmidt, HA Wetzel
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (3), 364-378, 2018
Building and leveraging sports brands: evidence from 50 years of German professional soccer
HA Wetzel, S Hattula, M Hammerschmidt, HJ van Heerde
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 591-611, 2018
The perils of service contract divestment: When and why customers seek revenge and how it can be attenuated
CM Haenel, HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of Service Research 22 (3), 301-322, 2019
Who’s pulling the strings? The motivational paths from marketer actions to user engagement in social media
WH Weiger, HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt
European Journal of Marketing 53 (9), 1808-1832, 2019
The burden of rank: The impact of preferred supplier status on excessive buyer requests
M Hammerschmidt, HA Wetzel, TJ Arnold
Industrial Marketing Management 71, 19-26, 2018
Gratitude and justice: Cross-functional effects in service dyads
H Wetzel, HW Bierhoff, M Schmitt
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44 (1), 10-19, 2014
Integration als Garant erfolgreicher Markenkommunikation: Eine empirische Untersuchung im B-to-B-Markt
HH Bauer, T Donnevert, H Wetzel, J Merkel
B-to-B-Markenführung: Grundlagen–Konzepte–Best Practice, 613-634, 2010
Spotlight personnel: how hiring and turnover drive service performance versus demand
C Eckert, HJ van Heerde, HA Wetzel, S Hattula
Journal of Marketing Research 59 (4), 797-820, 2022
Handle with care! Service contract termination as a service delivery task
H Wetzel, C Haenel, AC Hess
European Journal of Marketing 56 (12), 3169-3196, 2022
Gratitude versus entitlement: An antagonistic process model of the profitability impact of customer prioritization
HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt, AR Zablah
Marketing in the Socially-Networked World: Challenges of Emerging, Stagnant …, 2012
Doing good after doing bad: Firm value implications of distinct corporate social responsibility engagements
I Lenz, H Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt
AMA Winter Educ. Conf. Proc 27, 2016
Kundenstatus im Vertrieb: Dos and Don’ts
H Wetzel, S Klein, M Hammerschmidt
Marketing Review St. Gallen 32, 80-88, 2015
Kundenpriorisierung im Business-to-Business Marketing: Eine Analyse aus Anbieter-und Kundenperspektive
H Wetzel
Springer Gabler, 2012
Serviceeffizienz aus Kundensicht als Erfolgsfaktor von elektronischen Dienstleistungen
HH Bauer, H Wetzel, F Lammert, M Hammerschmidt, T Falk
Dienstleistungsproduktivität: Management, Prozessgestaltung …, 2011
EXPRESS: Spotlight Personnel: How Hiring and Turnover Drive Service Performance versus Demand
C Eckert, HJ van Heerde, HA Wetzel, S Hattula
Journal of Marketing Research, 2021
The Burden of Rank: The Impact of Preferred Supplier Status on Buyer Excessive Requests
HA Wetzel, M Hammerschmidt
Signaling Quality Across Different Stages of the Organizational Life Cycle
S Hattula, M Hammerschmidt, H Wetzel, HH Bauer
The Sustainable Global Marketplace: Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of …, 2015
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