Sarah Schönherr
Sarah Schönherr
其他姓名Sarah Eichelberger
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Tourism organizations’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: An investigation of the lockdown period
K Kuščer, S Eichelberger, M Peters
Current Issues in Tourism 25 (2), 247-260, 2022
Entrepreneurial ecosystems in smart cities for tourism development: From stakeholder perceptions to regional tourism policy implications
S Eichelberger, M Peters, B Pikkemaat, CS Chan
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 45, 319-329, 2020
Exploring the role of tourists: Responsible behavior triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic
S Eichelberger, M Heigl, M Peters, B Pikkemaat
Sustainability 13 (11), 5774, 2021
The effect of social media on travel planning process by Chinese tourists: the way forward to tourism futures
Y Yuan, CS Chan, S Eichelberger, H Ma, B Pikkemaat
Journal of Tourism Futures, 2022
Sentiment analysis of online destination image of Hong Kong held by mainland Chinese tourists
Q Jiang, CS Chan, S Eichelberger, H Ma, B Pikkemaat
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (17), 2501-2522, 2021
Sustainable tourism policies: From crisis-related awareness to agendas towards measures
S Schönherr, M Peters, K Kuščer
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 27, 100762, 2023
Organisational learning and sustainable tourism: the enabling role of digital transformation
S Schönherr, R Eller, A Kallmuenzer, M Peters
Journal of Knowledge Management 27 (11), 82-100, 2023
Sustainable product development for accessible tourism: Case studies demonstrating the need for stakeholder collaboration
JJ Nigg, S Eichelberger
Sustainability 13 (20), 11142, 2021
Tourism actors’ responsible behavior: A systematic literature review
S Schönherr
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 48 (4), 671-683, 2024
Young peoples’ environmentally sustainable tourism attitude and responsible behavioral intention
S Schönherr, B Pikkemaat
Tourism Review, 2023
Attitudes not set in stone: Existential crises changing residents’ irritation
S Schönherr, BF Bichler, B Pikkemaat
Tourism Management 96, 104708, 2023
Responsible Tourism Entrepreneurship nach COVID-19: Neue Wege im Tourismus
S Eichelberger, M Peters
Responsible Entrepreneurship: Verantwortlich handeln in einer globalisierten …, 2020
Family firm management in turbulent times: opportunities for responsible tourism
S Eichelberger, M Peters
Resiliency Models and Addressing Future Risks for Family Firms in the …, 2021
Digital Tourism Experts–Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des digitalen Know-how-Transfers
M Peters, S Eichelberger
Digital Leadership im Tourismus: Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz …, 2023
Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка» Запоріжжя, Україна
B Steck, S Schönherr, M Peters, K Kuščer
ХАРКІВ-2023 KHARKIV-2023, 127, 2023
Exploring Generation Y's perception of family-run hotels: The perceived family firm image
S Schönherr, F Raich, A Zehrer, B Pikkemaat
Journal of Vacation Marketing, 13567667231178319, 2023
Empirical insights into innovation practices as crises response of ski destinations after the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic
B Pikkemaat, S Eichelberger, M Peters
Empirical insights into innovation practices as crises response of ski destinations after the first lockdown of the COVID-19ski destinations after the first lockdown of the …
B Pikkemaat, S Eichelberger, M and Peters
TTRA International 46 (Advancing Tourism Research Globally), https …, 2022
Responsible tourism: A literature review on stakeholders' responsible tourism behaviour
S Eichelberger
CAUTHE 2022 Conference Online: Shaping the Next Normal in Tourism …, 2022
Innovation in community-model destinations after COVID-19: First empirical insights
S Eichelberger, M Peters, B Pikkemaat
CAUTHE 2021 Conference Online: Transformations in Uncertain Times: Future …, 2021
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