Olena Yusova|Елена Юсова|Олена Юсова|Iusova O.
Olena Yusova|Елена Юсова|Олена Юсова|Iusova O.
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine
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Production and characteristics of antibodies against K1-3 fragment of human plasminogen
AA Tykhomyrov, EI Yusova, SI Diordieva, VV Corsa, TV Grinenko
Biotechnol Acta 6 (1), 86-96, 2013
Role of plasminogen/plasmin in functional activity of blood cells
DD Zhernosekov, EI Iusova, TV Grinenko
Ukrains' kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (1999) 84 (4), 5-19, 2012
Effect of fibrin degradation products on fibrinolytic process
TA Yatsenko, VM Rybachuk, OI Yusova, SM Kharchenko, TV Grinenko
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 16-24, 2016
Isolation and purification of a kringle 5 from human plasminogen using AH-Sepharose
LG Kapustianenko, TA Iatsenko, OI Iusova, TV Grinenko
Biotechnologia acta 7 (4), 35-42, 2014
Роль плазминоген/плазмина в функционировании клеток крови
ДД Жерносеков, ЕИ Юсова, ТВ Гриненко
Український біохімічний журнал, 5-19, 2012
Plasminogen fragments K 1-3 and K 5 bind to different sites in fibrin fragment DD
TV Grinenko, LG Kapustianenko, TA Yatsenko, OI Yusova, VN Rybachuk
Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 36-45, 2016
Features of the interaction between alpha2-antiplasmin and plasminogen/plasmin
TV Hrynenko, OI Iusova, MB Zadorozhna, M IeM
Ukrains' kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (1999) 74 (6), 83-90, 2002
Study of the sites of plasminogen molecule which are responsible for inhibitory effect of Lys-plasminogen on platelet aggregation
YM Roka-Moya, DD Zhernossekov, EI Yusova, LG Kapustianenko, ...
The Ukrainian biochemical journal, 82-88, 2014
Мезотромбин—производное протромбина—Na+-зависимый аллостерический энзим
МВ Колодзейская, ЕИ Юсова, ТВ Гриненко
Biotechnologia Acta 3 (5), 009-018, 2010
Fibrinolysis regulation by platelets retaining plasminogen and tissue-type plasminogen activator on their surface
YO T. Grinenko
Ukrainian biochemical journal 91 (6), 38-48, 2019
Effect of fibrinogen degradation products on various stages of the fibrinolytic process
T Yatsenko, VN Rybachuk, SM Kharchenko, TV Grinenko, EI Yusova
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research 9 (1), 2015
Modifying effect of antiplasminogen monoclonal antibody IV-1c on human plasmin catalytic properties
TV Grinenko, EM Makogonenko, EI Iusova, EV Skomorovskaia-Prokvolit, ...
Ukrains' kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (1999) 74 (4), 61-70, 2002
Production of anti-lactoferrin antibodies and their application in analysis of the tear fluid in the healthy eye and corneal injuries
A Tykhomyrov, O Yusova, L Kapustianenko, V Bilous, T Drobotko, ...
Biotechnologia Acta 15 (5), 31-40, 2022
Production and characterization of antibodies to tissue plasminogen activator: application for the platelet flow cytometry assay
EI Yusova, TV Grinenko, TA Goncharenko, LG Kapustyanenko, ...
Biotechnologia Acta 13 (5), 62-72, 2020
Determination of plasminogen/plasmin system components and indicators of lipoproteins oxidative modification under arterial hypertension
OI Yusova, OV Savchuk, TV Grinenko, OB Kuchmenko, LS Mhitaryan, ...
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 58-67, 2018
Prevrashchenie Glu–plazminogena v Lys–plazminogen na poverkhnosti trombotsitov.[Conversion of Glu–plasminogen into Lys–plasminogen on the surface of thrombocytes]
EI Iusova, OV Savchuk, VN Rybachuk
Sovremennye problemy biokhimii [Modern problems of biochemistry]. Eds. LI …, 2016
Ангиостатины: генерация и роль в норме и патологиях, ассоциированных со старением
АА Тихомиров, ЕИ Юсова, ДД Жерносеков, СИ Диордиева, ...
Харьков, 2012
Identification of activity of tissue plasminogen activator in blood plasma
AS Kondratiuk, OI Yusova, TV Grynenko
Lab Diagnost 57 (3), 3-9, 2011
Активация плазминогена низкомолекулярной стрептокиназой и эффект фибрина
ЕИ Юсова
Biotechnologia acta 7 (3), 33-42, 2014
Получение и характеристика антител против фрагмента К1-3 плазминогена человека
АА Тихомиров, ЕИ Юсова, СИ Диордиева, ВВ Корса, ТВ Гриненко
Biotechnologia Acta 6 (1), 086-096, 2013
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