Pedro H. B. Togni
Odour masking of tomato volatiles by coriander volatiles in host plant selection of Bemisia tabaci biotype B
PHB Togni, RA Laumann, MA Medeiros, ER Sujii
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 136 (2), 164-173, 2010
Going out for dinner—The consumption of agriculture pests by bats in urban areas
LMS Aguiar, ID Bueno-Rocha, G Oliveira, ES Pires, S Vasconcelos, ...
PLoS One 16 (10), e0258066, 2021
Dinâmica populacional de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B em tomate monocultivo e consorciado com coentro sob cultivo orgânico e convencional
PHB Togni, MR Frizzas, MA de Medeiros, EYT Nakasu, CSS Pires, ...
Horticultura Brasileira 27, 183-188, 2009
Mechanisms underlying the innate attraction of an aphidophagous coccinellid to coriander plants: Implications for conservation biological control
PHB Togni, M Venzon, CA Muniz, EF Martins, A Pallini, ER Sujii
Biological control 92, 77-84, 2016
The role of integrating agroforestry and vegetable planting in structuring communities of herbivorous insects and their natural enemies in the Neotropical region
ES Harterreiten-Souza, PHB Togni, CSS Pires, ER Sujii
Agroforestry Systems 88, 205-219, 2014
Ecosystem services provided by insects in Brazil: What do we really know?
DL Ramos, WL Cunha, J Evangelista, LA Lira, MVC Rocha, PA Gomes, ...
Neotropical entomology 49, 783-794, 2020
Brazilian legislation leaning towards fast registration of biological control agents to benefit organic agriculture
PHB Togni, M Venzon, ACG Lagôa, ER Sujii
Neotropical entomology 48, 175-185, 2019
Biodiversity provides whitefly biological control based on farm management
PHB Togni, M Venzon, LM Souza, JPCR Santos, ER Sujii
Journal of Pest Science 92, 393-403, 2019
Control of two-spotted spider mites with neem-based products on a leafy vegetable
M Venzon, PHB Togni, AL Perez, JM Oliveira
Crop Protection 128, 105006, 2020
Seasonal fluctuation in the population of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773)(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and co-occurrence with other coccinellids in the Federal District of Brazil
ÉS Harterreiten-Souza, PHB Togni, PVGN Milane, KR Cavalcante, ...
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 52, 134-140, 2012
Conservação de inimigos naturais (Insecta) em tomateiro orgânico
PHB Togni, KR Cavalcante, LF Langer, CS Gravina, MA Medeiros, ...
Arquivos do Instituto Biológico 77 (4), 669-676, 2010
Práticas culturais no manejo de pragas na agricultura orgânica
ER Sujii, M Venzon, MA Medeiros, CSS Pires, PHB Togni
Controle alternativo de pragas e doenças na agricultura orgânica. EPAMIG …, 2010
Dynamics of predatory and herbivorous insects at the farm scale: the role of cropped and noncropped habitats
PHB Togni, M Venzon, LM Souza, AATC Sousa, ÉS Harterreiten‐Souza, ...
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21 (4), 351-362, 2019
Integrated cultural practices for whitefly management in organic tomato
PHB Togni, WA Marouelli, AK Inoue‐Nagata, CSS Pires, ER Sujii
Journal of Applied Entomology 142 (10), 998-1007, 2018
Field evaluation of Bt cotton crop impact on nontarget pests: cotton aphid and boll weevil
ER Sujii, PHB Togni, P de A Ribeiro, T de A Bernardes, P Milane, ...
Neotropical entomology 42, 102-111, 2013
Impacto do algodoeiro Bt na dinâmica populacional do pulgão-do-algodoeiro em casa de vegetação
ER Sujii, PHB Togni, EYT Nakasu, CSS Pires, DP Paula, EMG Fontes
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 43, 1251-1256, 2008
Princípios e práticas ecológicas para o manejo de insetos-praga na agricultura.
MA de Medeiros, ES Harterreiten Souza, PHB Togni, PVGN Milane, ...
Brasília, DF: Emater, 2011., 2011
Companion and smart plants: scientific background to promote conservation biological control
MC Blassioli-Moraes, M Venzon, LCP Silveira, LM Gontijo, PHB Togni, ...
Neotropical Entomology 51 (2), 171-187, 2022
Scrutinizing the enemy release hypothesis: population effects of parasitoids on Harmonia axyridis and local host coccinellids in Brazil
DP Paula, PHB Togni, VA Costa, LM Souza, AATC Sousa, GM Tostes, ...
BioControl 66, 71-82, 2021
Ants provide biological control on tropical organic farms influenced by local and landscape factors
TLM Frizzo, LM Souza, ER Sujii, PHB Togni
Biological Control 151, 104378, 2020
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