Marius Veigt
Marius Veigt
BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik, Universität Bremen
在 biba.uni-bremen.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Reducing food losses and carbon emission by using autonomous control–A simulation study of the intelligent container
R Haass, P Dittmer, M Veigt, M Lütjen
International Journal of Production Economics 164, 400-408, 2015
Cyber-Physische Produktionssysteme - Produktivitäts- und Flexibilitätssteigerung durch die Vernetzung intelligenter Systeme in der Fabrik
G Reinhart, P Engelhardt, F Geiger, TR Philipp, W Wahlster, D Zühlke, ...
wt online 103 (2), 84-89, 2013
Quality driven distribution of intelligent containers in cold chain logistics networks
M Lütjen, P Dittmer, M Veigt
Production Engineering 7, 291-297, 2013
Entwicklung eines cyber-physischen logistiksystems
B Scholz-Reiter, M Veigt, D Lappe, KA Hribnernik
Industrie Management 1, 15, 2013
The intelligent container as a part of the Internet of Things
P Dittmer, M Veigt, B Scholz-Reiter, N Heidmann, S Paul
2012 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation …, 2012
Quality tracing in meat supply chains
M Mack, P Dittmer, M Veigt, M Kus, U Nehmiz, J Kreyenschmidt
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2014
Towards networking logistics resources to enable a demand-driven material supply for lean production systems–basic concept and potential of a cyber-Physical logistics system
KD Thoben, M Veigt, D Lappe, M Franke, M Kück, D Kolberg, I Fahl, ...
7th international scientific symposium on logistics, 42-69, 2014
Vernetzte Steuerung einer schlanken Intralogistik: Simulationsbasierte Potentialanalyse einer bedarfsorientierten Materialversorgung in der Fertigung
D Lappe, M Veigt, M Franke, D Kolberg, J Schlick, P Stephan, P Guth, ...
wt Werkstattstechnik online 104 (3), 112-117, 2014
Semantic web service wrappers as a foundation for interoperability in closed-loop product lifecycle management
M Franke, K Klein, K Hribernik, D Lappe, M Veigt, KD Thoben
Procedia CIRP 22, 225-230, 2014
Cyber physical production systems Enhancement of productivity and flexibility by networking of intelligent systems in the factory
G Reinhart, P Engelhardt, F Geiger, TR Philipp, W Wahlster, D Zühlke, ...
wt Werkstattstech. online 2, 84-89, 2013
Autonomous control in production planning and control: how to integrate autonomous control into existing production planning and control structures
M Veigt, F Ganji, EM Kluge, B Scholz-Reiter
Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics: Contributions and …, 2011
Interaction mechanism of humans in a cyber-physical environment
M Franke, BC Pirvu, D Lappe, BC Zamfirescu, M Veigt, K Klein, ...
Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC …, 2016
Monitoring of the vacuum infusion process by integrated RFID transponder
E Hardi, M Veigt, M Koerdt, AS Herrmann, M Freitag
Procedia Manufacturing 52, 20-25, 2020
Use of RFID tags for monitoring resin flow and investigation of their influence on the mechanical properties of the composite
E Hardi, M Veigt, M Koerdt, AS Herrmann, M Freitag
Procedia Manufacturing 24, 305-310, 2018
Adaptive Produktionsplanung und-steuerung
S Schukraft, M Veigt, M Freitag
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 112 (3), 126-128, 2017
Towards quality driven distribution of intelligent containers in cold chain logistics networks
M Lütjen, P Dittmer, M Veigt
Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Symposium on System-Integrated …, 2012
Cyber-Physische Produktionssysteme. wtWerkstattstechnik online 103/2
G Reinhart, P Engelhardt, F Geiger, TR Philipp, W Wahlster, D Zühlke, ...
S, 2013
Investigation of using RFID for cure monitoring of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
M Veigt, E Hardi, M Koerdt, AS Herrmann, M Freitag
Production Engineering 14, 499-507, 2020
Data Analytics in der Produktionsplanung. Einsatz von Data-Analytics-Methoden zur Identifikation von Einflussfaktoren auf die Termintreue
M Veigt, B Staar, S Schukraft, M Freitag
wt Werkstattstechnik online 109 (4), 230-234, 2019
Curing Transponder–Integrating RFID transponder into glass fiber-reinforced composites to monitor the curing of the component
M Veigt, E Hardi, M Koerdt, AS Herrmann, M Freitag
Procedia Manufacturing 24, 94-99, 2018
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