Daniel J. Goode
Daniel J. Goode
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Direct simulation of groundwater age
DJ Goode
Water resources research 32 (2), 289-296, 1996
A three-dimensional method-of-characteristics solute-transport model (MOC3D)
LF Konikow, DJ Goode, GZ Hornberger
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 96 (4267), 1996
Apparent dispersion in transient groundwater flow
DJ Goode, LF Konikow
Water Resources Research 26 (10), 2339-2351, 1990
Particle velocity interpolation in block‐centered finite difference groundwater flow models
DJ Goode
Water Resources Research 26 (5), 925-940, 1990
Characterizing a ground water basin in a New England mountain and valley terrain
CR Tiedeman, DJ Goode, PA Hsieh
Groundwater 36 (4), 611-620, 1998
Numerical simulation of ground water flow through glacial deposits and crystalline bedrock in the Mirror Lake area, Grafton County, New Hampshire. USGS Professional Paper 1572
CR Tiedeman, DJ Goode, PA Hsieh
US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1572, doi: 10.3133/pp1572 1572, 50, 1997
Modification of a method-of-characteristics solute-transport model to incorporate decay and equilibrium-controlled sorption or ion exchange
DJ Goode, LF Konikow
Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, 1989
Groundwater-level trends and forecasts, and salinity trends, in the Azraq, Dead Sea, Hammad, Jordan Side Valleys, Yarmouk, and Zarqa groundwater basins, Jordan
DJ Goode, LA Senior, A Subah, A Jaber
Open-File Report, 2013
Biochemical indicators for the bioavailability of organic carbon in ground water
FH Chapelle, PM Bradley, DJ Goode, C Tiedeman, PJ Lacombe, K Kaiser, ...
Groundwater 47 (1), 108-121, 2009
The effect of terrace geology on ground‐water movement and on the interaction of ground water and surface water on a mountainside near Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, USA
TC Winter, DC Buso, PC Shattuck, PT Harte, DA Vroblesky, DJ Goode
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (1), 21-32, 2008
Surface water and groundwater interactions in an extensively mined watershed, upper Schuylkill River, Pennsylvania, USA
CA Cravotta III, DJ Goode, MD Bartles, DW Risser, DG Galeone
Hydrological Processes 28 (10), 3574-3601, 2014
Finite-difference interblock transmissivity for unconfined aquifers and for aquifers having smoothly varying transmissivity
DJ Goode, CA Appel
Water-resources investigations report, 1992
Multiple well‐shutdown tests and site‐scale flow simulation in fractured rocks
CR Tiedeman, PJ Lacombe, DJ Goode
Groundwater 48 (3), 401-415, 2010
Integration of stable carbon isotope, microbial community, dissolved hydrogen gas, and 2HH2O tracer data to assess bioaugmentation for chlorinated ethene degradation in …
KM Révész, BS Lollar, JD Kirshtein, CR Tiedeman, TE Imbrigiotta, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 156, 62-77, 2014
High-resolution delineation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in a dipping, fractured mudstone: Depth-and strata-dependent spatial variability from rock-core sampling
DJ Goode, TE Imbrigiotta, PJ Lacombe
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 171, 1-11, 2014
Hydrologic effects of the Pymatuning earthquake of September 25, 1998, in northwestern Pennsylvania
GM Fleeger, DJ Goode, TF Buckwalter, DW Risser
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey Water Resources …, 1999
Flowpath independent monitoring of reductive dechlorination potential in a fractured rock aquifer
PM Bradley, PJ Lacombe, TE Imbrigiotta, FH Chapelle, DJ Goode
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 29 (4), 46-55, 2009
Bioremediation in fractured rock: 1. Modeling to inform design, monitoring, and expectations
CR Tiedeman, AM Shapiro, PA Hsieh, TE Imbrigiotta, DJ Goode, ...
Groundwater 56 (2), 300-316, 2018
Ground-water system, estimation of aquifer hydraulic properties, and effects of pumping on ground-water flow in Triassic sedimentary rocks in and near Lansdale, Pennsylvania
LA Senior, DJ Goode
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 99 (4228), 1999
Modeling transport in transient ground‐water flow: An unacknowledged approximation
DJ Goode
Groundwater 30 (2), 257-261, 1992
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