Fabienne Pigiere
Fabienne Pigiere
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Camels in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire
F Pigière, D Henrotay
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (5), 1531-1539, 2012
Ancient DNA of Guinea Pigs (Cavia spp.) Indicates a Probable New Center of Domestication and Pathways of Global Distribution
E Lord, C Collins, S deFrance, MJ LeFebvre, F Pigière, P Eeckhout, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8901, 2020
The evolution of cattle husbandry practices in the Roman period in Gallia Belgica and Western Germania Inferior
F Pigière
European Journal of Archaeology 20 (3), 472-493, 2017
Evolution de l'économie alimentaire et des pratiques d'élevage de l'Antiquité au haut Moyen Age en Gaule du Nord: une étude régionale sur la zone limoneuse de la moyenne …
F Pigière
BAR publishing, 2009
New archaeozoological evidence for the introduction of the guinea pig to Europe
F Pigière, W Van Neer, C Ansieau, M Denis
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (4), 1020-1024, 2012
Status as reflected in food refuse of late medieval noble and urban households at Namur (Belgium)
F Pigiere, I Boone, M Udrescu, W Van Neer, S Vanpoucke
Behaviour behind bones: the zooarchaeology of ritual, religion, status and …, 2004
Les sites" à terres noires" à Tournai et l'étude des anciens cloîtres canoniaux à Tournai. Etudes archéozoologique, palynologique et contextualisation
R Brulet
Terres noires/Dark Earth, Actes de la table ronde internationale tenue à …, 2004
Pig husbandry and environmental conditions in Northern Gaul during Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: the contribution of hypoplasia analysis
S Vanpoucke, F Pigière, A Defgnée, W Van Neer
Archaeofauna 16, 7-20, 2007
Diet, hygiene and health in Roman period northern Gaul: A multidisciplinary study of a latrine from an artisan household in the vicus Orolaunum (Arlon, southern Belgium, c. 250 …
K Deforce, ML Ledger, M Derreumaux, Q Goffette, D Henrotay, F Pigiere, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35, 102761, 2021
Vagrant vultures: archaeological evidence for the cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) in the Low Countries
M Groot, A Ervynck, F Pigière
Birds in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird …, 2010
Continuity and change in animal exploitation at the transition from Antiquity to the early medieval period in the Belgian and Dutch loess region
F Pigière, Q Goffette
Quaternary International 499, 101-111, 2019
Animal husbandry in the core area of the civitas Tungrorum
F Pigière, N Roymans, T Derks, H Hiddink
The Roman Villa of Hoogeloon and the Archaeology of the Periphery, 163-75, 2015
Les campagnes du territoire nervien: approches croisées
R Clotuche, M Derreumaux, F Pigière, G Jouanin, S Preiss, JH Yvinec
Gallia Rustica 1. Les campagnes du nord-est de la Gaule, de la fin de l’âge …, 2017
Food production and exchanges in the Roman civitas Tungrorum
F Pigière, A Lepot
Barely surviving or more than enough, 225-246, 2013
Antoing/Bruyell: étude archéozoologique de la villa romaine de la Haute Eloge
F Pigière, A Lentacker, K Desender, C Gleed-Owen, W Van Neer
Chronique de l'Archéologie wallonne 9, 42-43, 2001
More than meat? Examining cattle slaughter, feasting and deposition in later 4th millennium BC Atlantic Europe: a case study from Kilshane, Ireland
F Pigière, F McCormick, L Olet, D Moore, F O'Carroll, J Smyth
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 41, 103312, 2022
Études bioarchéologiques de la nécropole à incinération romaine de Messancy (Prov. De Luxembourg)
K Deforce, F Pigière, C Polet, J Cerezo-Roman, F Hanut, M Udreascu, ...
SIGNA (BRUXELLES) 3, 75-76, 2014
La villa gallo-romaine de Haccourt/Froidmont-Oupeye
F Tromme, F Vilvorder, F Pigière, G Gruwier, K Quintelier
Vie archéologique 65, 4-81, 2008
La faune
F Pigière, R Brulet
La cathédrale Notre-Dame de Tournai. L’archéologie du site et des monuments …, 2012
Namur/Namur: étude archéozoologique des occupations de l'Antiquité tardive et du Haut Moyen Age au Grognon
F Pigière, M Udrescu, W Van Neer
Chronique d'Archéologie Wallonne 12, 240-241, 2004
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