Wei Zhou
The effect of iot new features on security and privacy: New threats, existing solutions, and challenges yet to be solved
W Zhou, Y Jia, A Peng, Y Zhang, P Liu
IEEE Internet of things Journal 6 (2), 1606-1616, 2018
Discovering and understanding the security hazards in the interactions between iot devices, mobile apps, and clouds on smart home platforms
W Zhou, Y Jia, Y Yao, L Zhu, L Guan, Y Mao, P Liu, Y Zhang
USENIX Security Symposium, 2019
Survey of Internet of Things security
YQ Zhang, W Zhou, AN Peng
Journal of Computer Research and Development 54 (10), 2130-2143, 2017
Automatic firmware emulation through invalidity-guided knowledge inference
W Zhou, L Guan, P Liu, Y Zhang
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 2007-2024, 2021
Identifying privilege separation vulnerabilities in IoT firmware with symbolic execution
Y Yao, W Zhou, Y Jia, L Zhu, P Liu, Y Zhang
Computer Security–ESORICS 2019: 24th European Symposium on Research in …, 2019
物联网安全研究综述: 威胁, 检测与防御
杨毅宇, 周威, 赵尚儒, 刘聪张宇辉王鹤
通信学报 42 (8), 188-205, 2021
Good motive but bad design: Why ARM MPU has become an outcast in embedded systems
W Zhou, L Guan, P Liu, Y Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03638, 2019
Survey of the Internet of things operating system security
A PENG, W ZHOU, Y Jia, Y Zhang
Journal on Communications 39 (3), 22-34, 2018
Reviewing IoT security via logic bugs in IoT platforms and systems
W Zhou, C Cao, D Huo, K Cheng, L Zhang, L Guan, T Liu, Y Jia, Y Zheng, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (14), 11621-11639, 2021
Overview of smart home security
J Wang, Y Li, Y Jia, W Zhou, Y Wang, H Wang, Y Zhang
Comput. Res. Dev 55, 2111-2124, 2018
Fingerprinting mainstream IoT platforms using traffic analysis
X He, Y Yang, W Zhou, W Wang, P Liu, Y Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (3), 2083-2093, 2021
What your firmware tells you is not how you should emulate it: A specification-guided approach for firmware emulation
W Zhou, L Zhang, L Guan, P Liu, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2022
CEFI: Command Execution Flow Integrity for Embedded Devices
A Peng, D Fang, W Zhou, E van der Kouwe, Y Li, Y Zhang
International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and …, 2023
Check for
A Peng¹, D Fang, W Zhou, E van der Kouwe, Y Li¹, Y Zhang
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 20th …, 2023
杨婷, 张嘉元, 黄在起, 陈禹劼, 黄成龙, 周威, 刘鹏, 冯涛, 张玉清
计算机研究与发展, 2022
Understanding MPU Usage in Microcontroller-based Systems in the Wild
W Zhou, Z Jiang, L Guan
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